Chapter 8: Ablutophobia

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Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing
~Tom can't let Harry continue on like this. He would do whatever he had to do to force his boyfriend to become back to normal.

-Rating: Explicit
-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Mentioned Rape, Violence, Shock Therapy, Sexual Content, Slight Sexual Content, Happy Ending!!


Tom watched Harry come home over three hours late and run to the bathroom slamming the door. He had seen Harry upset and angry before, but he always went and spoke to Tom about it first. He heard the shower start and decided he would ask when his boyfriend was done, not wanting to get on his nerves beforehand.

Tom waited nearly two hours, but he never heard the door open. He had let it slip his mind for a while but now that his paperwork for his job was done he decided to investigate. Knocking softly on the door he listened closely. Before his ears could pick up what was going on, the door was pulled open, and Harry left it. He had expected Harry's hair to be wet, and his body wrapped in a towel. But the small body still had patches of dirt and the clothes he came in on it, as well as his hair was matted and looked to have mud caked on the ends.

It was hard to do, but he decided harry needed space, something had happened and he wouldn't bother his beloved till he came to him.

When he entered the bedroom, he saw Harry in the sheets, mud streaked on the pillow case and covers. Tom was never one to be upset, even something like this couldn't get him angry, but he was still annoyed. He woke Harry up by pulling the sheets off of him. "Harry, I hate to do this, but either take a shower or sleep on the couch."

Dozily, Harry sat up, he looked at Tom with eyes full of betrayal but got up and left. Tom didn't hear the shower that night, or the next or the next.

A week went by and Tom couldn't even look at his lover. They never sat in the same room after that first night or even ate at the same time.

When another week passed, Tom stopped by Harry's job, he found that the other hadn't attended work in two weeks. Tom was officially angry, something that didn't happen often. He had tried giving his boyfriend space, he tried talking it out, he even tried just screaming, but nothing worked. He was at the end of his rope.

As he got home he stepped into the. Bathroom and prepared a bath, adding as much soap as possible in case things didn't fully work out. He stood and walked to the bedroom. Harry was sitting at the desk looking over some files, he flinched violently when Tom walked in. Tom motioned to the closet. "I just need a towel." Harry turned back and continued what he was doing.

Tom had done research and found that for this situation, though it was highly frowned apron, shock therapy would be the best course of action. With quiet footsteps he walked up behind Harry. He quickly grabbed the dirty man as and threw him over his shoulder before Harry could make an escape. The entire way to the bathroom was filled with screams, shouts, pleas and sobs. Tom was afraid he would hurt Harry's hands with how he ripped him away from each door frame they passed.

When they made it to the bathtub Harry had run out of screams but was still struggling. Uncaring if Harry would get injured further, he threw the man into the tub, water splashing and sloshing over the side. Tom pressed Harry's chest down and began to scrub at the other even through his clothes. He was sure the neighbors would call the police with how Harry was screaming as if he was being murdered. Tom was ashamed to admit it, but he slapped Harry across the face, causing the screams to cease and the body to become pliable.

It took Tom nearly an hour to scrub and clean all of Harry, throwing out the dirties clothes. When he drained the brown water and started to refill it with clean, clear water, Harry started bawling. Tom didn't expect it, but when the water had filled all the way up, Harry reached his hands out, pulling Tom into the water with him. He was already wet from the earlier struggle so it wasn't a terrible problem, but it left him stunned.

Soft pink lips touched his own, he realized he hadn't even shared a kiss with his lover this whole time either. "Harry, what the hell is going on, why won't you tell me?" Blood shot green eyes looked deeply into his own. "I couldn't, I can't. If I tell you, you will leave me. You won't want me anymore!" He was upset and Tom knew he couldn't play gentle with him.

"You can tell me what's going on, and we can work it out, or you can keep this stupid silent act up, and I will definitely walk out that door and you will never see me again."

More sobs filled the steamy bathroom. Harry hurried his face into Tom's shoulder, not wanting to look at him as he admitted what was wrong. "Raped. I was-" Tom pulled him back looking him in the eye, he started to tremble, knowing what Harry was going to say. Harry only spoke louder. "I was raped, they raped me, I WAS FUCKING RAPED, TOM THEY, TOM I WAS RAPED!" He was screaming at the top of his lungs at the end. Tom stared shocked.

No words left either of them, Tom sat staring at Harry, trying to figure out if this was just some big horrible joke, but the tears falling down the others face, the past two weeks, the way Harry's entire body was shaking, this was real. Tom tried to breath as the two just stared, but he felt his own tears starting to fall. "Who, when, why didn't you tell me, Harry, why didn't you just fucking tell me! Did you tell the police!"

Harry pulled away in shame. "The night I was home late, I don't know who, he grabbed me outside of my car, his friends were waiting in the alley, I couldn't fight them. I just thought, if I didn't shower then it would be like the mud, and maybe I could pretend it wasn't there, that it wouldn't mean anything, like dirt. I couldn't wash it off cause otherwise you would see how dirty I am inside. I'm so sorry tom, I'm so fucking sorry!" Tom grabbed him up in a hug.

"Don't you dare be sorry, you don't have anything to be sorry for, never say that again! I wasn't even there for you, I was just angry over stupid shit like dirty bed sheets. Harry, can you ever forgive me!"

Harry laughed at him, trying to brighten the mood. He reached up almost as if to kiss Tom again, but decided against it. He scooted back in the tub to the wall. "I can, of course I can. I know how disgusted you must be though, even if you say I have nothing to be sorry for, I'm still sorry that we can't be together. I know you can't stand to be near me anymore. So I'll take that other one as our last kiss, and Tom, it was amazing, I will always-" he was cut off by Tom's lips pressing against his own, mumbling. "Shut up"

Harry cried and kissed back, he wrapped his arms around Tom, trying to soak up every second in case it was the last. Tom pulled away and looked over Harry's face, he began to kiss each inch of it, and Harry stopped him as he reached his neck, "Tom, you don't have to force yourself, what you have done is already kinder than anything I could ever wish for." Tom growled another "Shut up, effectively quieting the other.

"You are not 'dirty' you are not 'gross' and their is no way in hell I am leaving you, even if you didn't tell me I wouldn't have really left you. You are to important to me."

Harry whispered scared to be hushed again. "But I had sex with other men."

Gripping his chin tightly Tom brought in back to his lips. "You idiot, that isn't sex, or making love, that isn't even fucking, that is gang rape."

Harry sobbed into his shirt at hearing the word come from Toms soft lips. With careful movements not to slip, tom stood from the bath, he reached down and grabbed Harry up in his arms. "Since you don't seem to believe me I'm going to show you."

In a hurry he left the bathroom and took Harry, throwing him down on the bed in their room. He crawled over top of the shivering body.

"Sex is about Pleasure," he kissed Harry's neck, "Sex is about Trust," he kissed over Harry's right nipple, "And no matter how horribly cheesy it sounds, sex is about Love." He kissed Harry over his heart. "And I love you Harry, that means I trust you, and that I wasn't to give you pleasure, those men had none of those things, and I won't lose you because they tried to take away those things from you." Tom kissed Harry's lips. "You are mine, and not only will I kill them for touching me, I'll kill you if you ever think you can escape from me again."

The tears that fell from green eyes this time were in happiness. He gripped Tom tightly, letting their lips connect again. "I will never leave you, I promise." Tom smiled and marked the promise from his lover with kisses and marks covering the tan body from head to toe.

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