Chapter 10: Agateophobia

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Agateophobia- Fear of insanity
~Harry's bogart is himself in a straight jacket, he fears this more than anything before he is informed he's already gone crazy.

-Rating: Explicit
-Relationship: Lord Voldemort/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Sexual Content, Insanity, Voldemort Wins, Cannon Universe AU, Memories


The box shook violently. With a determined glare Harry looked over to Lupin and gave a nod. With a flick of his wand the box flew open and the boggart came out. Harry's breath stopped. No longer was the Dementors his biggest fear. He took in matted black hair, bright green eyes hidden by bags, and a smile so evil, so unnatural that it ripped the skin of his face. The creature stepped closer, no shoes or socks, only bare feet with unmanaged toe nails scraped the floor. He didn't know why he feared this being, as its arms were trapped to opposite sides of his body in the dirty off white straight jacket. Lupin stepped forward and threw the spell at the creature, turning it into Harry in a white law robe surrounded by flowers. He realized his worst fear that day. It was becoming insane, losing himself and what he stood for.

Harry looked down at the throne he stood beside, the white fingers which drummed as masked men came to speak to the one seated there. His eyes locked with red, he held the gaze with a soft smile at his evil lover.

The forest was dark, but he was prepared, the stone fell from his grasp. He was ready to die. His love ones were waiting for him. Shedding his cloak he stepped forward to the meeting place. Red eyes puns him and smirked. He looked over the figure before him. He never had a chance to really look, and maybe it was just a dying thought, but the man was beautiful. White porcelain skin, deep red eyes, he looked so ethereal in the glinting moonlight. He thought in the moment what he would give for a touch.

"Harry Potter, how kind of you to show yourself, almost thought you wouldn't come."

Bellatrix looked at him with a blood thirst, but he just looked back undisturbed. He was prepared and ready for this. He dropped his wand and waited. He should have known Voldemort was to smart to just take it at that. With a hiss the people around their lord were shooed from the forest. Bare feet stepped closer to Harry, the way the nails scraped the ground reminded him of his fear.

"Are you here to die?"

Harry nodded but didn't speak. The voice was hissy and soft as it spoke.

"I see, why would you, the last hope for the light side wish to die? You wouldn't leave your mudblood friends with no hero. You must wish to die in order to further your side. But why? How could your death end the war? It would only work if your life ended my..." Voldemort stopped and stared at him intensely.

"Well, common snake face, end this! You have wanted to kill me so why not take this chance!"

Voldemort laughed. "No." The answer was simple and final. The man left, his robes billowing behind him as he walked away.

Harry couldn't let the man get away. He had to end this. He gripped the man's arm when he caught up to him. The smooth pale skin felt blissful under his fingertips. He stopped himself from touching more. Thinking Voldemort anything other than a monster was insanity, and Harry wouldn't let himself be crazy.

The red eyes stared into his knowingly. He felt the thin lips before his mind could processes it. No, no,no, he liked this, he was content. That wasn't normal, that wasn't sane. He was losing it, losing his sanity.

Kisses followed down his neck, fingers pulled his robe away. He felt the clothing fall the the floor around his feet. He didn't even bother acknowledging it as he just stared out the window of his and Voldemort's shared room.

"Am I insane?"

Thin lips laughed and latched back onto his neck without giving an answer. He felt the familiar feeling of his lover entering him. He let out a choked moan at the lack of preparation, but allowed the man to keep pushing inside.

"Will I ever be normal? I don't want to be crazy, I'm sure that I am sane."

Voldemort pulled out and shoved back inside violently. He hissed into Harry's ear.

'You have always been crazy my love, open your eyes and see your fate. You are truly as insane as me.'

Harry's breath caught and tears fell. He was mental, looney, hell he was disturbed. He loved Voldemort and knew there was no going back

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