Chapter 9: Achluophobia

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Achluophobia- Fear of darkness.
~Tom needed total darkness to sleep, Harry needed a nightlight. But Tom always gets his way in the end, right?

-Rating: Explicit
-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Sexual Content, Arguments, Modern AU, Married, Cute


Harry watched his husband come in, he flipped on his night light and shuffled into the covers waiting for Tom to turn the lights off and join him. He heard the annoyance in Tom's voice when he turned the light off.

"Harry, you are an adult, do you really need that thing?"

Harry huffed and crossed his arms childishly. "Well, I don't like the dark, I prefer to be able to open my eyes and see my surroundings." Tom got into bed and looked over at his groom.

"Harry, you're a cop, if someone is stupid enough to try and break into our room in the first place, you have a gun in the night stand. But first they would have to get passed our security and my body guards."

Harry wasn't putting it up for discussion though. "I just like it and that is final. I can't fall asleep without it!" Tom smirked at that. "Well what if I get you so tired that it doesn't matter?"

The messy haired man peeked up at that. "You could try, but you know I have some amazing stamina."

The politician crawled over his love and smirked down at him, he was up for the challenge. Throwing the sheets that covered them away, Tom started his routine of showering the tan body with affection. Chaste kisses to his skin, flicks of his tongue to bite marks and sucking where skin stretched on top of bone caused Harry to cry out. Tom started moving down from the heavily attacked upper body to where Harry was straining to be touched. No matter how he teased his husband he never would let him touch himself, Tom needed to be the one to bring that pleasure.

He let the tip of his tongue glide gently over the entire length of Harry's cock, not giving him a real feeling, just keeping it light and maddening. Green eyes that had shut tight to concentrate on the small amount of feeling shot open as Tom took the whole member in his mouth in one go, sucking violently and making the change of feeling to much on the smaller body. Tom let his finger join the hot wet flesh in his mouth to get it slick. He moved his fingertip in circles around the entrance before letting it slide in as far as it would go. Harry kicked his leg out and let it fall over Tom's back, holding the man closer with the only body part that would reach.

Tan fingers wrapped in his hair, he knew Harry was close, that was the only time he let himself go enough to touch his husbands curls. Letting the slick cock fall from his lips he looked at the veins which were bulging, almost bursting at the seams.

Tom had finished stretching the hot hole and decided it was time. He moved back up, and kissing the love of his life breathless he let himself push inside the other. He set a harsh pace but stopped when he realized he needed to exhaust Harry, not himself. He pulled out and laid back on the bed. Harry looked over in confusion. "Tom?" With a smirk, Tom folded his arms behind his head, his erection jutting out ready to go. Harry huffed but pushed himself up, kneeling over Tom's hips and lined himself up, knowing Tom would be no help.

He used his thighs to make himself bounce up and down. His fingers splayed over Tom's chest, but he couldn't see as the angle was perfect for hitting him just right and leaving him in pure pleasure. Fingers laced his his as Tom helped him stay upright. He let out sobbing moans as Tom started pulling his hips and adding to the assault on Harry's prostate. He couldn't even breath out a word as he let himself come, Tom followed after.

The small tan body fell over Toms, covering the other, he felt himself and the other roll till Tom was stretched over him, his arm reached out behind him. The snap of the night light going off woke Harry from his bliss, he gave Tom a few minutes to get comfortable and nearly fall asleep before he reached back, snapping the light on, and pulling the covers over them, repeating Toms idea from earlier.

"If I get you so tired enough it won't matter"

Tom hummed, to tired to talk and ignored it, hiding his head in the others chest to rid his eyes of the light.

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