Chapter 17: Microphobia

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Microphobia- Fear of small things.

~Due to Harry's sucky potion skills, Tom is stuck being 5 inches tall until Slughorn can figure out what went wrong, but in the end Harry finds he prefers the small Tom Riddle, over the big one.

-Rating: Mature

-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter

-Warning/Tags: Harry In Tom's Timeline, Potions, Captive, Kidnapping, Masturbation,


All italics are Tom's POV


Tom wasn't focused, he leaned forward, onto the desk in order to get a better look at the person next to him. He usually hated working with other houses, but the way this boy was made it bearable. Small delicate tan hands came over and picked up an ingredient, Tom's thoughts gave an impatient gasp as the boy leaned forward. Whenever he went to stir, the green potion was reflected in his eyes. Small sweat drops from the heat made the boy look as if he had just gone through a vigorous activity, and Tom could think of many. He sighed, no thinking like this didn't mean he had a 'crush' or any other pathetic emotion for the other, he was just a teenage boy lost in heated lust. He let himself focus as the other spoke up out of nowhere, and tried to brush his staring off as boredom.

It was perfect, the shade looked the exact way the book described, acid green. Harry applauded himself for his work, even with a Slytherin sitting at his table. His attention was brought back to Slughorn as the next part of the lesson began.

"Now my students, because we wish for this potion to be short lasting, and only work for up to a minute, please add one singular mayfly wing as it comes to its final boil."

Reaching over to the laid out ingredients Harry didn't even look up as he grabbed the small silky texture and plopped it into his concoction. He turned to his Slytherin partner, a grimace on his face from being forced to work with the other. "Well, is it up to your oh, so perfect standards your majesty?" The words dropped with sarcasm. Long pale fingers reached over and scooped a small amount into a phial. "We will see." The boy in green tipped the still hot liquid to his lips and consumed the entire contents. For a second his eyes flashed green, before the once tall and graceful body shrunk. Silk green robes fell to the floor around the tiny body, and small Tom Riddle nodded to Harry.

They waited for Tom to change back, him not leaving his bundle of uniforms in case he changed suddenly. A minute passed, then two, and three. A small glare was directed at Harry, but he pretended to not notice as he rose his hand waiting for Slughorn. The fat man came over, fingers looped in his vest.

"Well Mr.Potter, your potion seems to have worked wonderfully, I expect no less with Mr.Riddle as your partner. What is your question."

Harry had the decency to look down and blush. He took a breath and looked back, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, he's small and all, but what do I do if he won't change back?" Slughorn gave him a furrowed look. "Well my boy the mayfly wings does wonders, it should only take a minute." With a stare at the ceiling as if trying to escape, Harry's voice got smaller. "Yeah, about that, what if it's been like five?" The joyous smile on the man's red face fell. "Well you did add the mayfly wings didn't you." Harry nodded, he reached over and grabbed the silky objects, handing them over. Slughorn a jaw dropped. "Mr.Potter! This is skin from a Bow Headed whale! These look nothing like mayfly wings! How on earth did you confuse the creature with the shortest lifespan with the one with the longest! This is unacceptable."

Harry stared, he had tears welling in his eyes from being yelled at, he didn't need to look down at Tom to know he had a face of hate. The fat man continued to murmur to himself before looking back at Harry. "This is reversible but I have to brew a enlargement potion, it will take neatly two weeks to finish. Never have I ever felt with such incompetence. With your Mother and Godfather being two of the best Potioneers I know this is just, well it's just pathetic." Hearing himself being put to shame and the mention of his family made the tears start leaking down. Slughorn sighed at the tears.

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