Chapter 18-20

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Staurophobia- Fear of crosses or the crucifix.
~Tom kidnaps priests and kills them after his own childhood trauma, when he takes Harry he finds that not everything is the way he thought, and that not all priests are the same.

-Rating: Mature
-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Violence, Murder, Serial Killer!Tom, Priest!Harry, Kidnapping, Mention of Child Abuse, Mention of Pedophillia


'Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever, Amen.'

The Lord's Prayer? It wasn't common at Harry's Church, no, they tried to discover new prayers and new ways to praise God, they didn't fall back on one that have lost meaning with overuse.

It was strange, Harry could remember doing his normal before bed schedule, put out all the candles and organizing bibles for morning service, but he couldn't remember going to his bed, and he certainly wasn't there now. He not only wasn't in a bed, but something wasn't right, his body was sore and it was as if he wasn't laying down, he could stilips feel his glasses on his face, he would have definitely taken those off. The voice came again, clearer this time, he knew it was an actual person now, but he didn't recognize it.

"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."

No, he wasn't at home, he wasn't at church, he was in danger. With force he opened his eyes to talke in his surroundings. His throat let out a sob, stopping the prayer and gaining the man's attention. He was standing, tied to what he couldn't see but could feel was a wooden cross. The room was dark, light only by candles, and from what the flickering light could allow, what looked like blood splattered the room.

"Ah, so you are finally awake Father?"

Harry finally took in the man speaking, tall, aristocratic, handsome. He was nothing like what Harry was expecting. "Where am I?"

The man smiled and walked around Harry in a full circle, coming back to face him, trailing a hand down the stubble on Harry's face. "Well, Father, this is my home, to be more specific, my basement, and the place you will die." Harry sucked in a sharp breath. He pulled at the restraints but found they were to tight, "Who are you!"

Grey eyes flashed in amusement. "You haven't heard of me? On the news maybe? Well, never mind that, my name is Tom Riddle, but the society calls me 'The Demon.'" Green eyes opened wide as the memory of his mother calling and warning him about this exact man came to him.

'Harry, I just think you should be more careful, lock the doors when the last person leaves, maybe have Ron or Hermione stay late with you?'

'Mom, really, you know as well as I the priests he took had ties with child abuse, I don't fit the profile.'

'Harry at least promise me you will be safe?'

'I promise Mom, I'll see you tonight.'

Harry stared at Tom in shock for a long moment before he could speak up again. "Why, why did you take me? I've never touched a child, I would never do something like that!" Tom just turned with a sigh and grabbed something behind him. "That's what they all say, it's all lies. Do you know what they did to me when I lied?" He didnt finish his sentence or give Harry time to reply. He turned with a whip in his hands.

The only noise Harry made for an hour was screams and sobs, Tom not relenting as Harry swore up and down he never even looked at a child that way. At the end, he looked down at his clothes, his cassock was ripped in places, showing blood dribbling from the showing cuts, even where rips couldn't be seen, he knew the skin would be covered in bruises.

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