Chapter 15: Ophidiophobia

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Ophidiophobia- Fear of snakes.
~Tom decides to show his crush the chamber of secrets and his hidden pet nagini, he just doesn't expect the reaction he gets.

-Relationships: Tom Riddle/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Harry In Tom's timeline, Screaming, Panic Attack, Sexual Content, Rimming, Teasing, Snake Involved Sexual Content, Anal Sex


The first time they had met Tom knew they were meant for eachother. He never paid much attention to any student he wasn't able to use, but this one forced his blue eyes to keep staring. It was a cold winter day, and Tom had a large amount of work to do if he wanted to spend the whole break working on his future plans. It would have been normal, his head buried under a tower of books, and a foot of parchment finished but still waiting for more, that is it was normal until Harry happened. The smaller boy in his year came running into the library crying, in his attempted escape he ran right into Tom's table knocking all the books to the floor. If it wasn't for those captivating eyes wet with tears he would have cursed the offender. Shaking hands hurriedly scooped up the books, trying to place them back onto the table. The boy jumped and the books fell again as his name was loudly called across the room, Pince was hushing the three Gryffindor boys who were searching for their housemate.

They ran towards the two ignoring the librarian. "There you are! What do you have to say for yourself, not only is Thomas in detention but you lost us house points!" Harry backed up into Tom trying to get away, for some reason he didn't mind the body pressed against him, if he leaned forward he could place his chin on the messy hair.
"I didn't mean to punch him, but he kissed me, and he was touching me." The group scowled in unison, the biggest of them spoke up, "So? Your a guy, Thomas just had a crush on you, if you had a problem with it just say no. You didn't need to punch him! Now everyone thinks he's a pervert!" The small boy tried backing up further into Tom, seeming to not even notice the other behind him in is need for escape. "I did, I told him to stop, but he kept doing it, and he stole my boxers, I saw them when he opened his trunk." The other boys looked for a comment back, but Tom decided to step up with his Prefect position. He placed his chin where it begged to go and wrapped his arms around the body that jumped from the touch. "It seems your Thomas was asking for it. It doesn't seem Mr.Potter is at fault here. You are causing a scene, now, me and Mr.Potter are going to sit down and study, and I hope you will leave us in peace." The boys attempted to speak up, but again we're stopped, this time by a group of his fellow Slytherins standing to come to his aid at a nearby table. The smaller boys turned and left as the bigger one looked back down at Harry, "See you in the common room Potter."

After that, he and Harry sat and read for nearly an hour without speaking. Tom even got his fellow slytherins to allow a couch for Harry to sleep on in their house until the boy could return to his own. Everyday he got closer to the Potter heir. Before he knew it, he was unable to go a day without least thinking of that messy hair and green eyes. It was no surprise to the school when the two began to date, or to his followers when Tom had Thomas 'taken care of.'

They had been together for months, they were coming on the end of the year, they each had another school year to go, but until than they were going to be separated, Harry to his relatives, Tom back to the orphanage. But with classes done and one day left together, Tom wanted to show Harry something to remember him by, he needed to share this with him even just to prove to himself that Harry could still love him.

He watched the green eyes look on in confusion as Tom pulled him into a girls bathroom. "Tom, I don't think we should be in here." A pale hand gripped Harry's as he lead him to the sink, with a hiss it opened, Tom smiled at the stunned look before him, and started down the stairs that lead down. Soft footsteps followed behind him, stopping every so often to take something in, than hurrying to catch back up. He walked down the hall till he reached the giant opening that housed his two familiars. He stopped suddenly, the small body running into him from behind. He hissed a summons and turned around. "I've brought you here to show you something no one else has seen. I want to share my life with you, and this is an important part of it."

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