Aries: *licks Nutella and loves it* is it legal to marry Nutella?
Taurus: *eats all the Nutella, fills it with slime of the same color, and waits for Virgo to try and eat it*
Leo: *eats a hand full of Nutella and coughs all over it* MiNe--
Virgo: *opens Nutella jar and tries to get a handful of Nutella but gets slime instead* TTTTTTAAAUUUUURRRRRUUUUSSSSS---
Capricorn: *eats a spoonful* this shit is good! *stuffs it into pocket* My pReCiOuS--
Cancer: wow *inspects Nutella* dOES THIS HAVE CRICKET PARTS?!
Scorpio: *dips finger into Nutella and eats it* this is good! Wait..... *glares at Nutella* aLl GoOd tHiNgS MuSt dIe-- *shoots Nutella with gun*
Gemini: *wondering why the fuck Scorpio shot the Nutella jar and quietly eats the remains of the Nutella*
Aquarius: *eats Aries future husband*
Pisces: *eats like three Nutella jars and goes in a Sugar High*
Saggitarius: *high-fives Taurus for pranking Virgo*
Libra: *tiny licks Nutella and legit pukes* DIS SHIZ IS......actually, really good *eats the rest of Nutella and pukes*