Aries: *that one dog that barks at everything*
Taurus: *has Asher Angel as there owner (idk) and yells memes* DRIP DROP! DROP TOP! CHIHUAHUA FELL INTO THE SAUCE POT!!
Leo: *wants a bath* I NEED A BATCH I FEEL FILTHY!
Virgo: *has Asher Angel as there owner* (idk)
Capricorn: *scared af* what is this?! What is that?! AHHH!
Cancer: *scares tf out of Capricorn* lol, calm ur self. The hoomans are almost home
Scorpio: *in hEaT* hump everything. HUMP HUMP HUMP HUMP HUMP HU--
Gemini: *trying to avoid Scorpio but fails cuz Scorpio be a weird af dog*
Aquarius: *has the richest owner*
Pisces: *is the weird af dog*
Saggitarius: *has Asher Angel as there owner* (idk)
Libra: *is a famous dog model* (idk if dat is even a real profession, but it is now!)