Aries: *destroys there laptop* oh.....that wasn't me...... *hides damaged laptop*
Taurus: *teams up with Saggitarius and runs everything that tgere ex owns with a any form of moving vehicle*
Leo: *just cusses them out*
Virgo: *records Leo cussing there ex out and posts it on there ex's Instagram with the post "I GOT SCREWED BY MY EX" in bold*
Capricorn: *makes a mental note to add there ex to there must-die list*
Cancer: *pukes on there ex with no regrets*
Scorpio: *farts all over there ex's belongings* (my Scorpio friend just farted in her ex's phone, so, I just HAD to put it, lmao)
Gemini: *drop-kicks ex and yeets them to Mars*
Aquarius: *steals ex's shrine to Justin Beiber and burns it in Hell*
Pisces: *be's a sinner for long enough to throw away there ex's new gf/bf like trash and then be's a bean again*
Saggitarius: *has no regrets when they team up with Taurus to run there ex's everything iver with any form of moving vehicle*
Libra: *slaps ex really hard*
--(PLOT TWIST) the ex cheated on there first gf/bf, Aquarius, with the other Zodiacs, so, they all got there revenge, one way or another!--