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i wake up in my bed, my body throbbing from my dream.

i look down at my chest,

"ok, not a dream."

"don't take it off, you will not like what happens to you." rings in my ear again

ace compton..

my dad slams the door as he walks into the house, snapping me out of my thoughts.

i throw the covers off off me and go to my bathroom,

i'm not scared of my father, he's just creepy when he's drunk.

he hasn't been sober since that day

☞ flashback ☜

i sit at the kitchen table, sophomore year, doing my homework.

"hey sweetheart, how was your day?" i smile and turn around,

"hi papa!" i spin around in the chair and hug my dad.

"where's mom? i got something for the both of you." he says and as if she predicted it, she walked down the stairs and hugged my father, covering him in kisses. i shake my head


"what did you wanna show us?" she pulls away from him,

"oh- right." my father places down his briefcase, enters the passcode and then opens it.

there lies 12 mini cakes, 4 red velvet, chocolate, and vanilla.

holy shit.

"holy shit." my mom says,

"for being flexible with my work schedule and being supportive." he says and we all hug him.

a few months passed and we were living lavishly, dad came home with about 500 grand every two months, and mom came home with half as much.

we were "rich" and we were black– well, light-skinned, that's not usual if we aren't rappers.

my mom worked as a doctor, saving countless lives left and right. my dad worked as a high-class lawyer, i've never been to one of his court cases because i'm always stuck with homework.

my mom drove her black corvette to work, as usual, dad took the black sedan and well, i took the bus.

it was 3rd period, one of the few classes i have with karey, the door opens and the principle and two police guards walk in.

they whisper something to my teacher. he nods hesitantly, then points up to me, i pretend not to be paying attention and doing my work while hiding behind my hair.

karey taps me,

"that officer is cute." i look to her.

"ew, stockholm syndrome much?"

"i don't know what that is.." i shake my head.

"CARTER." i look up and the commanding officer uses one finger to tell me to follow. i get up from my seat,

"you think she has drugs?"

"no idiot, she's the goodie two shoes."

"nah she's the middle man."

"nigga shut up." i hear a slap from behind me and try not to laugh.

i walk outside the class with the officer, we walk to the office and there is my father and the people at the front desk look at me with pity.

"raven, we are sad to announce that your mother has been killed in a tragic accident..." i bite my bottom lip and nod.

"okay. may i go back to class?" i ask and they nod and i leave the office and make my way to my class.

the end of the day came slow. i often got pity looks and more through the day and im honestly tired of it. i get on the bus and even the bus driver knew.

what the actual fuck. how?

i unlock my house door and my father is passed out on the couch, a mess with beer bottles around him.

"dad." i tap him and he jumps, "go to bed." i demand

he shakes his head, "leave me alone."

"no, get the hell up. you're not the only one that has to compensate with moms death! now get. up."

he doesn't know what to do but then regains his thoughts and listens.

☞ flashback ends ☜

i shake my head and look down at the necklace once more

i put on black leggings and a black thrasher tee and grab my checkered skateboard.

i grab my black jansport book bag and put some things in it.

i walk down the hall into my dads room,

"where's the rest of my money?" i look around and see a packet with my name on it, written in my mother's handwriting.

i open it, and read quickly

Terrell my love,

     there is something about raven that i should've noticed sooner. i've worked with many patients far and wide, but our daughter is different. her lying is magnificent, her lack of guilt. hell even her charm, since she was a little girl she was able to manipulate her classmates to her will.     im sorry to tell you my love, but our daughter is a high-frequency psychopath. if she's pushed the wrong way, there's no stopping what she will turn into.

your love,
nova carter

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