Christmas wish

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all sitting at the bar in Hogsmeade drinking butterbeer and enjoying themselves. There were festivities around the small village due to Christmas being right around the corner. All around there was snow, rosy checks and best of all warm butterbeer. Harry was truly enjoy the moment he was caught in. He could still feel the slight nip from the cold outside and the contrast of the warm cup against his hands. There was nothing that could ruin this moment. Harry thought he could see a flicker of gold blond hair on the other side of the bar, but thought he was just hoping that a certain man was here.

He thought he was over the young aristocrat, but he found himself looking for the blond where ever he went. Harry hadn't spoken to Malfoy since everyone left Hogwarts and he barely spoke to him during their last year. After the war Malfoy really drew into himself and didn't really speak unless necessary. Malfoy did get himself a good job at the ministry and moved out of his family mansion. The young man did the most difficult thing in his life and spoke against his father at the trials. Everyone in the wizarding world knew that Lucius nearly sold his son to Voldemort in order to save his own skin.

Harry didn't know anything about Malfoy after that. Any time he goes out he hope to get a glance of Malfoy. He had hoped once leaving school his school boy crush would disappear instead it got stronger.

Again he saw a flitter of pale blond hair from the other side of the bar.

"Guys I think Malfoy is here." He said stretching his neck to try to see over the heads of the others.

"Harry and Malfoy sitting in a tree," Hermione teased.

Ron just made kissy faces at harry. If Harry walked to the bathroom he would walk past Malfoy and see if it was really him. He hoped it was really Malfoy.

Harry pushed himself away from the bar and made his way towards the bathrooms. With the Blond head steadily getting closer Harry was sure it was Malfoy. His hair was the same length as when they were in school except instead of being slicked back it hung naturally in a boyish way. It seemed Malfoy was like a fine wine and just got better with age. Malfoy was with Blaise and Pansy. They looked happy and it seems as if all the weight of the war had finally left them you could see it on their faces. The look of dread had left Malfoys eyes and he looked great. Damn he really did look good.

Harry swept his eyes up and down the blonde's body.

"Malfoy!" he could hear himself calling.

As soon as Malfoy turned around Harry could see the sour look take over his face. Harry awkwardly walked over to the three Slytherins.

"I hope you guys are having happy holidays. You all look very well." He took a seat next to them.

"Oh is that what you came over here to say?" Malfoy raised a brow.

"Yeah and no. I'm having a Christmas party on Friday and I wanted to invite you guys. Its not really a party its more like a small get together. Ron, Hermione, and I are kinda just going to sit around drink and watch Christmas movies. If you guys don't have anything going on you could swing by and hang out with me-- I mean us." Harry explained

"If I say that we'll go will you stop rambling Potter?" Pansy cut in.

"Its Harry and yeah I will. My address is 12 Grimmauld place. You can stop by whenever you feel. Ok bye I have to head back to those two," he pointed towards Hermione and Ron at the end of the bar.

As he walked away he was sure he had just done the stupidest thing in his life. He wasn't planning to have a party. He had panicked and blurted it out.

"How'd it go mate?" Ron placed a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Well I kinda panicked and invited them to a party on Friday."

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