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It is believed that soulmates are only truly meant for each other if their atom were near each other when the bang that created the universe occurred. We are made up of the atoms of old space and time because atoms never die. What if when you find your soulmate it is just those atoms trying to reconnect.

Harry always knew there was something that attracted him towards Draco. It always felt like a little tug at the end of his heart strings. Draco felt the same although he would never say. Both boys battle day in and day out. They despised each other yet were completely and totally compatible.


Harry was currently in the library, he decided that studying with Ron and Hermione wasnt really getting the job done. There were a lot of things they were going over for the newts, but they just werent the things he needed to know. The task was tedious, Harry was going to get this done though. They were all on their last year of schooling and Harry wanted better grades this year. He really wanted to put in the time now that he didnt have the war looming over his head and the constant fear of being attacked.

He was trying to focus when the scraping of chair legs against the floor pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Malfoy could you quiet down Im trying to get some work done", he called out when he saw who it was.

"Sorry Potty it wont happen again", the blondes voice was coated in sarcasm.

"Seriously I have things that need to be done and I can't concentrate if you keep making noise", Harry was just a little frustrated because he wasnt getting what he was trying to study.

"Alright Potter youve made your point I'll quiet down. Whats got your knickers in a bunch?" The blond was now intrigued by what had Potter in such a horrible mood.

"Nothing, Im just studying and having a hard time processing all of the information, why is focusing academically so hard?"

"If thats all I can give you some tips for remembering the information", Draco offering his help?

"Sure that would be wonderful!" Harry was so happy that Draco offered to help that he forgot who he was talking to.

Harry picked up his books and took them over to the blonds table. The books made a thud as they landed on the wooden surface.

"So how do you maintain all of the information?" The frustrated brunet asked.

"Well I have a photographic memory so I can remember things very easily, but after helping Crabbe and Goyle Ive come up with some ways to teach complete idiots, he gave a smirk while Harry scowled at him, so rewriting things helps with the memorization process. I usually make Crabbe and Goyle rewrite the entire chapter about four times before they feel that they are starting to get it."

"Rewriting things is the only thing you've got?"

"You could listen to someone read it out loud to you. Listening to the text can also be a good way to memorize material." The blond explained.

"Hermione reads the texts and potions to me and Ron all the time and it doesnt work", he could feel his frustration levels rising again.

"Who wouldnt want to block out anything said in that girl's abrasive voice. Its no wonder you have a hard time studying with her", Draco really wasnt sugar coating any of his opinions.

"Hey! Watch what youre saying, she is one of my best friends and Im not afraid to hex you."

"Well, if you hex me, you wont get to hear my beautiful voice read to you", The blond pulled the book out of Harrys hand, "Devils Snare is composed of a mass of soft, springy tendrils and vines that possess some sense of touch. Devils Snare uses its creepers and tendrils to ensnare anyone who touches it, binding their arms and legs and eventually choking them."

Dracos voice was soft and sounded velvety even thought he was reading something as boring as a text book. It was strange that the sound of the blonds voice calmed Harry somehow.

"Potter....Potter?" The blond snapped his fingers in front of the brunettes face, "You were dazed. Was it my lovely voice?"

"Actually yeah",Harry clamped his hand down over his mouth appalled.


Draco was cut off by the scrapping of Harrys chair when he stood to rush out of the library.

How could he say such a thing. He was caught off guard by Harrys words. So Potter admitted that he was dazed by his voice? Draco suddenly he snapped out of his train of thought and got up to follow the boy.

He stood up so fast that the chair flipped backwards. He then made his way towards the door ignoring the chair and the mess of books on their table. Where could the boy have gone? Knowing the golden boy there were few places he would often go to escape. Harry could be in the gryffindor tower,in that case unreachable, or in the quidditch field. Draco couldn't make it up to the tower, so he might as well look in the only place he could go.

He made his way through the halls and out of the grand castle into the field. He was right! At the edge of the lake, he could see harrys wild hair blowing in the wind. Draco slowly made his way over trying to buy himself some time to think about what to say. Before he knew it, he was right there.

"H-harry", the word felt so foriegn rolling off his tongue.

The boy jumped and turned his head to see the source of the voice.

"Yes Malfoy?"

Draco set himself down beside Harry, "Sorry about what happened."

"Well what happened wasnt really your fault. I was lost in thought, I blurted my own secret to the person that, he hesitated, that I like and it just so happens to be the one person that will go and tell everyone else."

"Potter, dont think Im that cruel, please. I would never make fun of someone for something like that. People can't help what their hearts feel, trust me I know it."

"What do you mean?"

"I know that no matter how hard I try to force you out of my mind, it doesnt work. No matter how hard I try to stay away I keep circling back to you. I know that my father would kill me if he ever heard, but I can't stop the feelings. I want to run away, but I keep feeling this tug on my heart whenever I try to leave you."

Harry was taken back, "You feel the tug too?"

It was like the universe was telling them that they belonged together. The feelings Harry got in his chest, Draco got the same feelings.

"Draco, I think im in love with you."

"Well, that's good because I didn't want to be the first to say it."

They established their feelings, but what could they do? They are at two different sides of a war.

"Potter, if you are willing we can give this a try. I'm not in this for a fling, so if we are going to give a try, you have to give your whole self to it because for me this could be life or death."

Harry leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Dracos lips.

"Im willing."

The two boys leaned in again for another gentle kiss.

~~~~THE END~~~~

Sorry Its been so long and that this one is pretty short. I will try and post more often again, but I cant promise anything because im pretty busy. I do have many stories started I just haven't put any endings on them. If you have any story requests message me and leave lots of comments. Byeeeee!

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