Chapter 16

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Tiannah POV

I feel numb, I hold my baby in my arms and see his fear. He is only 3. Everything happened so fast. Red car. Gun shots. His body... I wake up in a panic. Sweating. I begin to just cry , I see a movement in the corner of my eye and see Dashawn. Looking out the window sitting on the chair on the otherwise of the hospital room. The room suddenly begins to fill with the beeping of the machines connected to cj . I just try my hardest to suppress this headache I have from crying and this pain in my heart. "T.." I hear him say softly still not turning to me. "I'm so... sorry.. I can't stay here.. they'll come back until they get me" he says softly. I hear his voice cracking as he tries to hold back his tears. Theres nothing more I wanted to do more than to kill him the day that this happened. My son is in a coma because of HIS bullshit.. but I know I couldn't live without either one of them. "stop it." I say back. He looks at me and his eyes are blood shot red he looks over at CJ with tubes connected to him. "Look at him T! This is MY fault , these niggas don't give a fuck about any of this shit we got going on. This family.. they will kill us all and I can not have that happen.." He says beginning to raise his voice. I just shake my head and burry it in my knees pulling them close to me. "I can't lose you" I say. He looks at me and comes over hugging me and I burst out crying. He begins to rub my head and kisses me softly. I would have never thought that Id ever be in this position. I hear the door open and someone clear their throat. "Ms Tiannah, Hello. My name is detective gabbler and I just have a few questions regarding your sons shooter" I hear a voice say. I look over and see a tall white man. I just nod. "May we speak alone" he says looking at Dashawn. He squints and looks and I nod. "firstly , I am sorry for this happening to you no mother should ever have to see their child in this state" he says. I just listen and watch CJs short breaths. "So , do you or anyone that you may know be affiliated with a gang" he asks straightforward. I look at him in a snap and squint. "No , I don't.. what does this have to do with my son being in a coma right now" I snap. He looks taken aback and I just get up and walk out. I can't talk to anyone right now my head is spinning and nobody understands the pain I am going through. I see Trey and Maya in the cafeteria with Zari and go over to them. "anything?" he asks me. I just shake my head slowly. "is cj gonna be okay?" I hear zari ask. I just try to find a smile in me and rub her face. "Of course baby" I say. Maya holds my hand. "if there's anything you need we are here tiannah , we are family" She says. I smile a little and nod. I get up after a little while more of talking and go back to the room. I go over to Cj and hold his hand and sit next to him. "hi baby , mama is waiting for you when you are ready" I whisper in his ear. "we are gonna get you a big old ice cream cone that you like and daddy is going to take you the your favorite park so you can play on the swings" I say with tears rolling down my face. "mama needs you to come back for me so you can take care of me and your daddy when we get old and wrinkly and have no teeth" I say running my hands through his hair. I hear the door close and feel a body behind me and get comfort because I knew it was Dashawn. Then I feel something pointing into my back that was hard and cold. "don't scream." I hear a voice say. I instantly began to hyperventilate. "wha...what do you want" I say holding Cjs hand. "You baby girl" I hear the voice say. "daddy wants you to come him". I just sit there not knowing what to say.. I am so confused. "So here's what's going to happen , your son gets to live but you meet us at the dock on 46th at 11pm tonight alone or he dies.. you die.. your brother dies... your niece dies... basically everyone dies" the voice says and I just feel the numbness of my body take over. The person clears their throat and withdrawals the gun. "so 11." they say before closing the door and disappearing.

Dashawns POV

This is all my fault. Why did I ever think this could happen, I should have never signed up for this shit. Now I got my son in a coma.. well his son.. fuck. Ive been trying to push this feeling out my head and my phones been blowing up all day. I look at my phone and realize I've been in the chapel for hours its almost 3 am. I know T is probably asleep now, I begin to head back in to the room and look at the missed calls from her and voicemails. I listen to the first one. "Dashawn ... I am so sorry I.. I didn't know they'd ... I don't know what im going to do" I hear her crying. Im so confused now I listen to another and hear her yelling at someone to get off of her and then the last one "Well well my nigga we got your bitch and although this has nothing to do with you your bitch is now ours" I hear a nigga say. "Now I know you probably wonder how to get her back or whatever so let me spare you the time for search and rescue , one mil .. all cash.. nothing less" and then the voicemail was over. I run back to the room and see T gone. Aw fuck .. Aw fuck fuck fuck.. 

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