chapter 00: pro-log

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a heavy rain fell in possibility, some dragons sheltering from it as others seemed rejuvenated with new found energy. a little sandwing dragonet no older then 4 rushed down the muddy ground, water slipping from her moon pale body as she rushed home. she bounced, skipped and slid being sure not to be late.

"there!" she said with a wide smile and bright beaming gold eyes, her home sat the outer edge of the village. she went into a slide up to the porch, sliding into a genital stop. with a quick bounce she was at the door. 'today's the day!' she thought with a wagging tail 'today's the day!'

her mother, a sandwing opened the door "hello Crona." Crona smiled up at her "hi!" she chirped "come in! come in!" the door closed as they walked into the house. there was a small fire at the center of the room giving it light with a stone tube going up through the second floor and out into the rainy air.

"little one should be hatching soon" Crona's mom spoke with a smile "yay!" she cheered "not so loud." a skywing spoke calmly, he was a brilliant shade of orange compared to the older sandwing's sandy gold coloration. the older sandwing walked over to the column that held the egg, her tail barb swayed with slight excitement.

Crona bounded over to look at the egg, having to stand on her hind legs to just barley see it. the last time she had, there were no cracks in it's smooth surface. sure enough cracks were beginning to spiderweb across. with a violent shake a large crack formed, faint chirp like sounds could be heard.

"that's it little one~!" the mother spoke enthusiastically "show the world your brilliant smile!" the father spoke with a hearty laugh "i can't see!" Crona spoke hopping up and down. soon a bright yellow tail broke part of the shell off, it bouncing off Crona's head.

all 3 could see as a gold tail drifted out of the egg "no barb, good." the father spoke to his mate's amusement "yep~!" another part of the egg was kicked off to the same result "nice shot!" Crona spoke with a smile, the tiny form tried to haul it's self out of the egg not remembering what it did. the small bit of shell broke and it fell flat, Crona could see it's tiny gold head. it opened it's brilliant blue eyes and looked curiously at the large form before it, "Jet, he has your eyes!" the skywing went to help his new son up.

"i won't ask how you know the gender already, Rhitta." Jet spoke as Rhitta smiled "oh a mother knows." Crona bounced eagerly "he has big wings!" she pointed out, sure enough the dragonet had large leathery wings "he'll be an ace, just like his papa!" Jet smiled as Rhitta tilted her head "what if he wants to be a researcher like his mom?" the little dragonet looked between his parents confused.

"look all i'm saying is that he could do what ever he wants when he's older." Jet spoke before setting his son back in the nest "so...seeing as you won." Rhitta picked the dragonet up gingerly "hello little Kaiser~!" newly named Kaiser looked up at her and tried to say something "can i see?" Rhitta lowered Kaiser down for Crona to see, sure enough he was about as small as her head and a small amount of her neck.

without warning he hugged Crona's head "wow buddy!" Jet was helping to hold him "hello little brother!" Crona smiled as Kaiser giggled, she could see his small dull horns starting to curve upward, 'welcome to the family little bro!' Kaiser's tail wagged slightly.

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