chapter 4 "smiling pain"

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Amber lay curled up on her and Crona's bed, she covered her head with her paws not wanting to face the world. "Amber?" she curled up even tighter as Crona sat next to her "what's wrong?" the sandwing asked concerned "there were mudwings....they were picking on me...and Kaiser" Crona wrapped the silkwing in a tight embrace "he's stronger then he looks...i should know." Amber looked up at her confused "he's done this all his life...even for me at one time." Amber was confused.

"tell me, what happened?" Crona asked calmly as Amber sat back "well..."

[flash back]

"well what do we have here?" Crocodile spoke making her sibs laugh "where's you off to in such a hurry no wings?" "she could be looking for her wings!" Anaconda spoke in mock excitement "hard to do when you never HAD wings!" Hippo chimed in "yeah! you need wings in order to lose them!" Ocelot pipped up "i-i don't want trouble." Amber spoke backing away from them "where you going, no wings." Crocodile asked as the others surrounded her.

Amber was about to run before "Crocodile!" everyone looked and Crocodile began to laugh "oh three moons! it's Kaiser! what, was Crona busy?" even with his grin, Kaiser growled in anger "how's about this" Anaconda spoke in a slick tone "get lost or we turn you into our own personal treasure." Ocelot and Hippo laughed.

"Amber" Kaiser spoke looking at her "take a wa-" Ocelot and Hippo both rammed into Kaiser pinning him to the wall, Anaconda clamped his jaws shut as Crocodile grinned "it seems you got off easy, no wings." without warning the eldest sib racked her claws across the crossbreed's face "oh, seems your pretty face isn't so good looking!" Ocelot cracked "make sure you got him." Crocodile held her talons over his face.

what surprised her however, was when Kaiser looked back at her he had a smile. "what?" Kaiser could only smile through his pain "WIPE THAT SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE!" she screeched scratching the other side of his face. he only continued to smile, Crocodile glared daggers at him "Crocodile" Kaiser spoke with a smile "I've come to bargain." the large mudwing dragonet smacked him out of her siblings' grip and bouncing across the floor.

"WIPE THAT SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE OR I SHALL RIP IT OFF!" Crocodile screeched, Kaiser simply stood back up "Crocodile, I've come to bargain." Crocodile glared harder at the small crossbreed "get him....WIPE THAT MOON CURSED SMILE OFF HIS FACE!" Anaconda, Ocelot and Hippo rushed Kaiser who only continued to smile. Amber watched in horror seeing her friend suffer pain, he continued to smile no matter what.

[end flashback]

"they just.....kept beating him. trying to make him suffer..." Crona stood there "come on" the sandwing spoke looking down at the silkwing "we're going to go see how he's doing." Amber looked at her confused, but agreed none the less. they got to the medical cave to see Kaiser was awake, despite the best effort the doctors present had.

Kaiser looked at Crona with a smile "oh! hey sis!" his gold tail wagged "how're you been doing?" the sandwing smiled sweetly "i'm doing good!" Crona moved out of the entrance "someone wants to see if you're doing alright." Amber stood there surprised "hey Amber! what's up!" the silkwing walked over to him tentatively "don't be that way, i'm fine!" the crossbreed reassured.

"how could you still smile?" Amber asked confused "huh?" the silkwing rushed up to him "you could have been hurt badly!" "he was" the doctor spoke up exhausted from trying to keep the younger sibling in bed "i told you it was a dumb idea." Crona spoke in a relaxed tone "who wouldn't do the right thing?" Kaiser asked confused, Amber stood dumbfound at his response.

"" she started to shake him "LUNATIC!" Kaiser only continued to smile on "uh, Amber you can stop now!" Crona spoke worrying for her brother's health "'pain is simply a way the world tells you that you're still alive'!" Kaiser quoted with his smile "i'm happy to live in a world with friends!" without warning he wrapped his wings around the silkwing. both the rainwing doctor and Crona laughed at how pink Amber's face was, Kaiser had fallen asleep much to the silkwing dragnet's dismay.

in time the rest of their friends were there, "huh....must have taken a lot out of him" Cold spoke looking at Kaiser "true...i keep getting one repeating message for now." Shadow spoke {"and that would be?"} King signed "'happy'." the nightwing spoke with a ghost of a smile "'happy'?" Caiman asked confused "that's my little bro for you!" Crona spoke with a smile.

Amber looked down at the gold dragonet that still slept, he had a wide smile because he had friends. 'if only i could see the world you do, Kaiser.' she thought as Shadow looked at her 'see the world like Kaiser....' she looked at Cold who was in a slight argument with Crona who was winning it 'i know someone who would benefit from that.' "admit it! you're just as worried for Kaiser as everyone else!" the sandwing smirked playfully at the icewing "i was not! that mongrel is beneath me!" Cold shot back weakly.

Shadow had a smile seeing them argue '....yep, i see that happening.' King looked at her confused 'huh?' Shadow looked at him "it's nothing!" the rainwing shrugged before patting his friend on the head 'rest up buddy, i don't know how long i can go without pulling a prank on Cold.' Shadow giggled hearing King's thoughts, true they were thoughts of a joker after all.

Kaiser shifted in his sleep, tucking his wings in as if flying around in a dream world. everyone couldn't help but wonder what he dreamed, deep down Kaiser rely wants to see Amber's wings when they grow in. would they be a stunning red like fire, a nice shade of orange like the sunset, our would it be a mix of both colors coming together in a symphony of amazing reds and oranges.

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