chapter 5 "dreaming and camping"

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Kaiser stood looking around confused, all around him there was either frozen terrain or scorched dirt and stone. his rounded head twisted about inspecting the dream world, that is until he heard a voice calling to him. "so you're a descendant to that nightwing?" the little gold dragonet spun around to face a large shadow, it seemed to be crossbreed of icewing and skywing. the dragon's angular head lowered to eye level "in time, i shall give you the right to 3 wishes." Kaiser backed up in fear, this dragon's head was twice the size of both his parents put together!

"w-w-who are you?" the dragon brought his head back to full high chuckling "i go by many names, you can call me "Lurk"." the now named Lurk spoke in a calm, almost soothing tone of voice. now that Kaiser could get a better look at him, he could see that this crossbreed had suffered intense burning. "now i'm not simply here to make a new friend, I've come to bargain." "what do you want?" Kaiser asked up at Lurk "what i want? it's simply what we both want." Kaiser tilted his head "what do you mean "we"?" Lurk chuckled "simple, you want peace within the world and i want the world to be a better place to allow it, all you must do is find this."

before the dragonet a gold looking tree branch appeared with 3 glowing glass orbs, Kaiser grew confused once more " said i was a "descendant to that nightwing"...what does that mean?" Lurk offered a humbled smile "why, i was the one who gave you your ethereal fire breath." the large dragon lowered a careful claw down and pointed at Kaiser's neck "the tool you use to cook your food." Lurk sat back "now then, listen well." he spoke picking up the tree branch.

"my scepter was stolen from me, within it is all my powers. with it you can only make 3 wishes." Kaiser's eyes went wide in realization "so to keep someone from abusing your power, you enchanted it to only do 3 spells!" Lurk clapped his front talons together "yes! that is exactly why! i did so before my family betrayed me, now i want you to find it." Kaiser nodded "that way we can prevent more wars like what happened with the sandwing sisters?" Lurk pat him on the head "yes child, that is what we shall do together. we shall help prevent war, we shall spare your friends from the injustices of wrongful persecution."

Kaiser nodded with determination brimming in his eyes "i'll do it!" he spoke "i'll help!" Lurk was overjoyed hearing him say that "yes! remember" the dream world began to fade away "use two spells for yourself, and free me with the last!" the world returned to a normal state as Lurk and the dream vanished.

Kaiser yawned awake in the sleeping cave, King was reading and Cold was no where to be seen. King set his scroll down {"i see you're awake. you seemed to have been sleepwalking."} the rainwing signed "again?" the little half breed asked confused "oh, there you are!" Crona walked in "come one, we've got to take everyone camping!" 

Kaiser nodded vigorously remembering the announcement of several other classes going on a small camping trip, they would be out under the stars telling ghost stories and jokes. sticking together within friend gropes and family crews, this was how warriors of old would bond with comrades. King and Kaiser set to work packing their bags, King because he liked the idea and Kaiser to start his quest.

within half an hour the crew had arrived at the entrance to the school, several other classes were waiting there as well as a few teachers. some were in the air and others were resting in the shade of the trees, much like Cold and his sister. Amber was laying in the sun napping before the trip as Shadow sat reading her scroll. Caiman was sticking with King being careful to not run into her own siblings. "everyone" an old seawing spoke up above the chatter "today we shall go to a special location in the sky kingdom!" a few of the skywing students cheered at that.

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