chapter 02: getting to know you.

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Kaiser woke humming a song without lyrics, he seemed to dance about the cave in time with the beat in his head. taking a look at his scheduled and checking what winglet he got put in 'crimson...ok good!' he looked to his clawmates, King was getting up allowing for bright oranges and sky blues painted his very being 'that's one!' he thought seeing Cold....still out cold.

{"top of the morning to you Kaiser"} King greeted "same to you good buddy!" the half breed responded with a wide smile "hello hello!" Crona poked her head in "ah, you have the rainwing and icewing i see!" she spoke as Kaiser and King looked at Cold "yeah....this is King by the way." the rainwing waved polity "he's mute." the sandwing gave a *hmm* of acknowledgement {"nice to meet you King, i'm Crona! i'm Kaiser's big sister!"} the mute rainwing was taken aback for a moment then smiled.

{"a pleasure to meet you ma'am."} they all looked back to Cold "so...who's that?" she asked confused "Cold" Kaiser responded "you're telling me, he's an icewing for crying out loud!" she looked to the friends {"no, his name is "Cold" about unimaginative."} King signed Crona looked back to the icewing then back to her brother and his friend "seriously?" she asked "yep" Kaiser responded.

she shrugged bringing them to her sleeping cave, Caiman and Amber were wrapped in Amber's blanket for warmth and ShadowSeer was reading 'huh, the nightwing seems small.' Kaiser thought confused before she looked up at him "and your mind is a labyrinth. now enough about me, who are you?" Crona looked at Shadow with the most deadpan of all faces "oh! right, little brother." the nightwing remembered 'she seems....forgetful.' King thought "what?" Shadow looked at him {"i-i didn't say anything!"} the rainwing signed 'three moons, don't be a mind reader!'

Shadow laughed nervously and King turned a stark white out of fear 'think about mangoes! think about ripe, headache inducing mangoes! don't think about anything other then the sweet taist of those incredibly tasty melt-in-your-mouth-good mangoes!' Shadow just looked at him confused before shrugging it off "our dwarf mudwing is Caiman!" said mudwing waved shyly "and our silkwing is Amber!" Amber looked at Kaiser for a moment, her shimmering blue eyes and locked on his.

'wow.......' everyone looked at them, Shadow could hear their thoughts almost as if they were one in the same 'talk about a cool color scheme!' "eh?" Shadow was surprised, surly her vision couldn't have been wrong! could it? everyone excluding Shadow and King laughed, before the young nightwing could think more on the matter however, angry thoughts cut through the storm of reasons to why 'and WHAT IN THE FROZEN SEA COULD BE THE REASON FOR SUCH SCREECHING!?' she snapped her head to the entrance.

there stood Cold, in all his stuck up icewing glory! he glared around the cave seeing Shadow 'oh joy' he thought bitterly 'a nightwing.' "seems it's high time we go to class." Amber said with a smile "yep!" Kaiser agreed, they walked off down the hall...Cold leading by five steps as to distance himself from the "riffraff" as he called his fellow winglet members.

they arrived at a cave where a seawing sat 'three moons' Kaiser thought surprised there before them sat Tsunami, one of the dragonets of destiny! there was a small little pea green seawing dragonet sitting next to her, watching them curiously "good to see you could make it!" she was grinning at them "almost as good as my first class here." she muttered that last bit, she could see Cold was hostile to the others, Shadow didn't know what to do, Caiman was looking around, Amber and Kaiser were having a conversation and Crona was poking Cold in the shoulder using a random stick she found.

Tsunami looked down at the dragonet "this is the part of the job i love~!" the dragonet smiled ready to watch, with a loud slap of her tail on the stone ground Tsunami began "ATTENTION!" everyone looked at her, while Cold was outright horrified the others were paying attention "wow...usually works after the 12th time." she spoke as the dragonet was clapping her webbed talons "now then" Tsunami spoke looking around at them "we'll play a game i call "get to know you", and yes i play this every year with new students!"

she looked down at the dragonet who was watching curiously "it's simple. tell the class your name, one random fact about yourself and your favorite color!" she looked at Crona "you first" the sandwing took time to think then said "i'm Crona, i'm Kaiser's big favorite color is royal red!" Tsunami nodded and looked at Caiman "you?" she asked, the little mudwing looked down at her talons "I'm C-Caiman....I h-hate cold weather....i like brown." she looked at Amber "i'm Amber! i have 4 older sisters, and i like midnight black!"

to say Tsunami was surprised was an understatement, she let it go for now and turned to Kaiser "you." he nodded "my name is Kaiser, i make strange sounds, and i like red!" 'well that's one question rendered pointless.' Tsunami thought looking to Shadow "my name is ShadowSeer, i love mangoes and i like green." then she looked to King {"my name is King, i am mute, and i like silver."} he signed, Tsunami looked to the rest of the class confused "he said "my name is King, i am mute, and i like silver"." Kaiser cleared up.

Tsunami looked to Cold "my name is Cold" 'you're telling me.' everyone thought "i hate all of you, and you don't need to know my color." he spoke as his spikes rattled. everyone looked at him silently for a moment, "cold." everyone looked at a grinning Kaiser and a snickering Crona "oh that wasn't me!" the sandwing laughed pointing to her brother who only continued to grin.

the hybrid gave a pig like grunt causing all but Cold to laugh, Cold just glared at the hybrid with disdain. 'how' he thought 'how has no one skinned him alive yet!?' later on Cold was walking into the pool cave before hearing a sinister and deep sounding laugh.

"who's there!?" Cold asked looking around getting scared, only the laughter greeted him"i-i'm sorry i disturbed you!" the laughing reverberated about the cave "don't hurt me!" Cold shouted before blasting a rock with his ice breath and running out.

if he could have stuck around longer, he would have seen King from the other side of the cave turning bright shades of yellow and red and Kaiser burst out laughing as the haunting laugh as it morphed into his own high pitched cawing laughter "oh! we got him good!" the hybrid laughed as the rainwing mimed his own laughter.

Cold ran into Crona "don't go into the swimming cave! spirits lurk there! I've heard them!" the sandwing looked at him with a smirk "come with me." she walked over to the cave with a terrified cold "but i must ask you, you remember what my brother said?" Cold looked at her slightly annoyed "why should I?" he asked as Crona kept walking, the laughing Could heard this time was Kaiser's.

the icewing glared at the cave entrance "I'LL KILL HIM!" he ran in fallowed by Crona who would stop him. the 3 argued on the opposite end of the underground lake before high pitched giggling could be heard "oh don't try that on me again!" everyone looked at Kaiser "uh yeah, i say it was me.....but there is one problem with it." Cold glared at him "and that is?" Kaiser leaned into one of the icewing's ears and yelled "I'M RIGHT HERE!" Cold jumped back about to attack before the giggling rang out again.

King turned a stark white as Crona's eyes went wide, Cold stood there wide eyed and Kaiser just bolted "NOPE! COME ON KING! WE'RE OUT OF HERE!" King nodded and fallowed Crona out of the cave, Cold looked out at the water seeing lights slowly drifting towards him "GHOST!" he fled screaming, as before if he stayed behind long enough, he would have seen tsunami and her dragonet surface.

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