chapter 01: next stop, school!

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(AN: so yeah. before i get ahead of myself, this story takes place years after the books. thank you for your time.)

{4 years after pro-log}

kaiser crouched in the long grass, watching a dear heard with bright blue eyes. he had spent the whole time slinking closer and closer to them slowly as to not be seen. he knew his father was somewhere in the sky, watching him closely as he inched through the grass. he watched as one-a buck by the looks of it- got closer and closer to his hiding spot 'come on you long legged fools...' he thought slowing his heartbeat 'step right up to meat your maker!' the buck's head lowered to do something.

now was his chance! Kaiser erupted from the grass and clamped down on it's neck! the heard scattered before his sister out right killed 2! the buck tried to get away to no avail 'that's it!' with amusement, the buck slipped from his jaws 'I DON'T THINK SO!' he brought his teeth down on it's spine with a loud *CRACK* Jet flapped down with an elegance only a skywing could have, a smile plastered on his maw.

"did you hear how loud that was!?" Crona asked laughing "i could hear it up there." Jet spoke as calmly as he could " Kaiser paid no mind to them as he made sure his meal was dead. Jet looked at his children "i'm proud of both of you" Crona dragged her 2 kills over "i can't hold both of them." she pouted "i'll take one, was my idea to bring you here after all." Jet hooked his claws into one and pulled it up "Kaiser?" the skywing looked to see his son already taking off with his kill, his large wings helping with it.

"going to miss the both of you when you're at school." Jet spoke on the flight home "so will your mother." Kaiser looked at Jet glumly "but don't worry for us, just please wright us every now and then ok?" Crona smiled "don't worry" she spoke as Kaiser came up next to her "we will!" Jet smiled to them, before long the trio had landed just outside their home by sun set.

the family sat around a camp fire, letting their food cook as they talked "then there was that time where you bit Hawk's tail!" Crona said laughing at a fond memory "still don't know why you did it though." Rhitta spoke looking at her youngest "it was there." Kaiser spoke with an amused smirk "you hated him didn't you?" Jet asked with a knowing glance "yes." the dragonet responded wagging his tail slightly.

"i still remember when you were just a little innocent ball of sun!" Rhitta smiled as Crona sat with her brother "yeah, you were small and just didn't care!" Kaiser looked up at her "still small." he pointed out "ah! he said it!" Jet joked as everyone laughed, Kaiser just looked at the cooking meat "what's wrong little dude?" Crona asked him "dinner's ready." he said simply "oh snap!" Jet rushed over to the fire and pulls their food off.

"might be a little hot" he spoke handing out the food, Kaiser just licked his chops. he had half his kill, but he could care less. this was good food for him, "waist not a good meal" his parents have told him countless times "to family!" Jet, Rhitta, and Crona said... Kaiser lowered a dear leg looking at them with a mouth full of food, Rhitta laughed as Crona and Jet rolled their eyes amused.

"happy hatch day my strange little rattle snake~." Rhitta spoke happily as Kaiser smiled a bright smile with a soft *kikikiin* Crona smiled down at him "hey! there it is!" Jet sat calmly "how long has it been since you did that?" Kaiser just sat there eating, his family knowing that jet taught him to imitate bird calls to better hunt.

(AN: Kaiser can make a long list of sounds thanks to his father teaching him valuable hunting skills, from that he could think on what would sound good and put it together.)

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