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That night, you made sure to wait until you knew Minji had gone to bed before sneaking into your shared room and lying in bed, as gently as a butterfly landing on a flower, so as not to wake her. You were so stressed out by the whole situation, you were tempted to ask Taehyung if you could share his bed with him tonight instead, until everything breezed over, but you didn't want to seem too forward.

So there you were, lying stiffly on your side of the mattress, as Minji lay beside you, her deep snores reminding you of the rumbling belly of a mountain dragon from the stories you read as a child. You pulled your yellow blanket that was gifted to you by Namjoon on your first night there up over your shoulders, and laid there, thinking.

You couldn't sleep knowing that Minji still had that video of your almost-kiss with Taehyung with her on her phone, just waiting to use it against you for the rest of your time there. Your eyes scanned the room, straining against the dark, dark night, until finally, they landed on their target.

Minji's phone.

It was currently laying in Minji's outstretched palm, fingers loosely curling around its edges in a forgotten embrace.

Now was your chance. If you wanted to delete the incriminating evidence, it was now or never. Still, you weighed the heavy consequences in your mind. If Minji woke up and noticed you with her phone, it did not bode well for you and the length of your lifespan.

You looked from the hand to the girl and back again. A deep resounding snore hitched its way out of Minji's nose, a roll of thunder in the night. She was out like a light.

Easing yourself onto your elbows, careful not to shift the bed with your weight, slowly you crept forward, reaching for the phone. You gave the phone a gentle tug, hoping to set it free from its well-manicured prison, only to feel Minji's grasp tighten around its edges.

Your breath held. You became as stiff as a scarecrow, feeling twice as flammable as you waited for what felt like ages, until you heard the girl let out another roar of a snore.

All the air rushed out of you like a caged tiger, being set free into the jungle. You tried again, this time, giving the phone a tug and a twist to try and set it loose.

Aha! You got it!

Smiling, you quickly turned on the phone, the screen lighting up and asking for facial recognition. You silently crouched over Minji's sleeping form and held the phone up to her face, letting the phone try and match the face to the owner and you frowned when it didn't work.

Huh, you thought. I guess it didn't recognize the two-faced bitch without the ten pounds of makeup. Now what?!

As you stared at the phone, desperately trying to get past the roadblock barring your entrance, you felt a strong hand clasp itself around your wrist, its sharp nails digging into your flesh, causing fresh beads of red to bloom up on your skin.

Minji was awake.

Uh oh, you gulped, dropping the phone like it had given you an electrical shock.

"You bitch!" Minji's voice was as sharp as rusty old nails.

"I'm sorry," you peeped out, scared for your life.

"Yeah, you're going to be!" she stormed, grabbing hold of your other wrist and rolling you over so that her whole body was on top of yours, holding you in place like a bear in a trap.

"I didn't do anything!" you said, struggling to break free of her clutches, tossing and turning beneath her.

Her face promised unspeakable horrors to come. "Yeah, but you were going to. You were trying to delete that video! Don't deny it!"

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