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To your surprise, Minji had so far kept good on her promise to stop seeing you as an enemy. The two of you had even taken to peacefully sharing the same bed each night, although you still made sure to keep as far away from her side of the mattress as you could get without rolling off onto the hard floor below.

Your workload had naturally been divided evenly between the two of you, Minji taking over most of the cooking and shopping chores, while you stuck with what you were most comfortable with: scrubbing and cleaning and laundry.

A few weeks had flown by, the guys' frantic schedule preventing you from really getting close with any of them, but sometimes, in the evenings after dinner, you'd all find yourselves spontaneously gathering in the huge living space, just casually doing your own things amongst each other.

This was one of those rare, peaceful evenings.

Dinner was served, cleared and currently undergoing the process of digestion in all of your stomachs. Most of the guys had taken to their own rooms to relax while they could, relishing in the scarcity of a night off. Only you, Minji and Jin remained in the living room alone together.

"I am so freaking bored right now," Minji whined, stretching her whole body out dramatically on the couch where she sat beside you, before sliding slowly down to the floor below. She reminded you of the slime you had played with as a kid. You remembered throwing it at the wall and watching it slowly ooze its way down, down, down, one inch at a time.

You kicked your feet up onto the coffee table in front of you and laughed at her. "How can you possibly be bored," you asked her, a long yawn cutting you off mid-sentence, "when you just got done working all day? Aren't you tired? I know I am."

"I'll sleep when I'm dead," she deadpanned. "I wanna do something right now. I just wanna go!"

"I just wanna fly!" you finished for her, quoting Namjoon's lyrics in Persona.

The two of you flapped your arms like wings briefly before erupting into loud giggles. You heard Jin snicker from behind his laptop over at his spot on the opposite end of the couch.

"Are you laughing at us?" You teased him gently.

"Aniyo," he said, trying to keep a straight face. "You're just cute, that's all."

You cursed your cheeks for blushing as you turned your face away, hiding it from him.

"Oooooh," Minji sang, completely ignoring your small interaction with Jin. "I know! Karaoke!"

"No!" you instantly screamed, shutting her down before the idea could really take hold of her mind. "No singing!" You did NOT want to embarrass yourself in front of one of the best singers your ears had ever had the pleasure of listening to, and you weren't talking about Minji. You'd heard her sing in the shower and the words tone and deaf instantly sprung into your mind.

Minji groaned. "Fine. Then let's at least listen to some music. I'm dying here!"

You shrugged your shoulders. "Whatever floats your boat."

Grabbing the remote control, Minji scrolled through the song listings on the music menu of the TV. A few minutes later, Jimin's sweet voice flooded through the room, as Boy with Luv came on. You heard Jin quietly humming along in the background and couldn't resist the urge that you felt to turn and smile at him widely.

Ever the attention whore, Minji bounced up from her seat and began bopping along to the tune of the song. "Do the dance with me!" she said to you.

You looked to Jin, saw that his head was still buried behind the screen of his laptop, probably immersed in one of his favorite games, and decided to humor the girl.

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