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Jin snagged you inside, tugging you into his apartment swiftly by the wrist. As soon as you were in, he kicked the door shut. A look of amazement came over your face as you looked him over cautiously.

He was still smiling widely and staring at you in amusement.

You didn't get it. Why was he in such a good mood? You would have thought that if anyone would be freaking out over losing their luscious locks, it would have been the vainest man you knew, Kim Seokjin.

You couldn't grab hold of any of the scattered thoughts that flew through your mind fast enough to catch them on your tongue as you stood there, speechless and flabbergasted.

Jin laughed, one sharp, bright, hysterical note cutting through the silence.

Maybe he was in shock! You thought, having an epiphany.

"Jin," you began. You tried to keep your voice steady and level so that you wouldn't burst his happy little bubble. "Sweetie, where is your hair?"

"It's gone," he said, snapping his fingers. He then made an expansive motion with his hands and then said, "Poof! Disappeared."

"Did Minji do this to you?" you asked, trying to keep the hatred out of your voice as you did so. You weren't sure what you would do to the girl if he said 'yes.'

"Nope," he said simply. "I did."

"Why?" you choked out. You noticed the proud look on his face and then your eyes drifted upwards towards his shiny, bald head and had to cover your mouth to keep from laughing.

"I did it for you," he told you.

You weren't sure whether you should laugh or cry. So many emotions were swirling through you, you felt like you were trapped in the middle of a cyclone, just waiting for it to pick you up and toss you roughly to the ground at any moment.

"You really shouldn't have," you said finally, when you could trust yourself enough to speak without laughing. "Sejin is going to freak out when he sees you like this! He said that if any of you ended up with so much as a scratch on you that I'd be fired." You lowered your voice at that last part, mimicking Sejin's deep groaning voice.

"What do you think he'll do to me when he sees you like this?" you kept on. "What will ARMY think?"

Jin clucked his tongue and walked past you to sit on the black leather sofa that sat proudly in the center of the room. "You could just say 'thank you,' you know."

"No!" you said, your voice rising against your will. "No thank you! Jin, I'm so touched that you would do this for me. Trust me, I am! But you really shouldn't have! What were you thinking?"

He put his hands on his scalp and then tucked his head between his legs. "I wasn't thinking! I couldn't think through all the anger. All I kept picturing was you and your naked head and every time I looked in the mirror, the sight of my own hair made me sick! I felt like it was somehow my fault because Minji was mad that I turned her down for you the other night. I just wanted to help you but I couldn't. I couldn't get your hair back, so I thought..." He trailed off.

You sat down next to him gently and placed a soft hand on his thigh. "You thought you'd shave your head so I wouldn't have to go through the humiliation alone?" you asked, finishing for him.

He pulled his head out from between his knees and looked at you. His expression was soft and he had tears in his big, round eyes. "Yes," he breathed.

Throwing your arms around him, you buried your neck into his chest and said, "Oh, you sweet, beautiful, BALD man, you! What am I going to do with you?"

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