2.2K 110 21

jack: did it hurt?

zach♡: when i fell from heaven?

jack: no

jack: when u fell for me

zach♡: i wouldn't know 🤷‍♂️

jack: that hurted

zach♡: hurted isn't a word

jack: says who?

zach♡: says the people who created the english language

jack: but why?

zach♡: i have no idea

jack: like why do we say tough like tuff, but though like tho???

jack: what the hell were these people thing??

zach♡: why do we say laughter like lafter and slaughter like slawter??

jack: mY poiNT EXACTly

zach♡: we're onLy aDdiNg a leTtEr

jack: riGhT

jack: one thing about me: i like food

zach♡: ?? literally everyone likes food

zach♡: give me another one that's cheating

jack: <:

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