30 [N]

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it was the night of prom. jack was getting ready with a frown on his face and a sad attitude. he hasn't spoken with zach since that day in the park and he worried that his friendship with the boy was ruined.

he began to regret sending all those messages to zach. he should've just gathered up the courage to tell the brunet himself. but he didn't, and it's not like he could change the past.

nevertheless, he was determined to talk to zach if he saw him tonight. after all, he knew zach wouldn't miss prom.

jack was basically wearing all black. he was wearing a black tux, black shirt under it, and a black tie. he made sure his hair didn't look like a mess and also decided to spray a small amount of cologne on himself.

he was basically ready, all he need to do was wait for his friends to arrive. they were all going to take pictures before heading to where the prom would be held, so jonah was the one who was going to drive.

jack sighed and sat on his bed, grabbing the phone he used to send zach the pickup lines. he turned it on, hoping there would be a message from the smaller brunet, but there wasn't. he ran a hand through his curls and unlocked it.

he was going to message zach one more time.

"hey, jack." he heard his older sister knock on the door as she spoke, getting his attention away from the message.

he turned his head to see sydnie leaning against the door frame with a smile.

"you got company," she informed before leaving with a smirk on her face.

jack furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. were his friends already here? they weren't supposed to come for another thirty minutes.

he stood up and looked at himself one more time in the mirror before leaving his room and going into the hallway. he entered the living room to see only his sisters sitting on the couch.

"wow, jack, you look nice," said ava, nodding.

"thanks," he replied. "sydnie, you said i had company?" he looked at the older girl, tilting his head.

"oh, yeah. he's outside." she only smiled and winked at him, nodding towards the door.

jack, even more confused than before, approached the brown door and opened it. he felt butterflies in his stomach and his face heat up as soon as he saw who was outside.

it was zach.

"zach." a smile grew on the shorter boy's face as he walked forward.

he looks so good.

he was wearing a black tux as well, but instead of a black shirt and tie, he had a white shirt and black bow tie around his neck. jack thought that there was no way this boy could get more attractive.

"hello," zach greeted, approaching jack.

"what are you doing here?"

"i'm here to take you to prom, of course." he gestured towards the classic car behind him.

"but i thought-"

"jack," zach frowned and walked closer to the boy. "i'm sorry i left the park like that the other day, i needed time to think. i know you probably think i don't like you and that i was angry at you, but in order for this to be a surprise i had to avoid you."

"wait, so you were planning this the whole time?" jack asked.

"yeah," zach answered. "you remember how i used to talk about a crush?"

jack nodded, remembering the feeling of jealousy when zach talked about him.

"that guy was you." he looked at jack with a raised eyebrow and a small smile.

the curly haired boy felt his heart run a marathon and he knew his cheeks were a bright red now.

zach liked him? this whole time he was the guy?

"i like you, jack."

"really?" jack smiled widely.


"do you like legos?" zach asked.

jack furrowed his eyebrows in confusion again. "yeah?"

the taller brunet chuckled. "you like legos." he pointed at jack. "i like legos." he pointed at himself. "why don't we build a relationship?" he grinned.

jack giggled. "get out of here." he wrapped his arms around zach's neck and looked at his beautiful brown eyes.

"is that a yes?"


zach leaned in and connected his lips with jack's, sending sparks through both of their bodies.

everything about that night was perfect.


lolol lowkey didn't know how to end it haha

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