32 [N]

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jack and zach were on the couch watching televison. zach stroked his boyfriend's hair, jack's head on his lap.

they spent the whole summer together, every bit. zach was going to be leaving the state for college tomorrow, so they wanted to make the most of their time together.

and they've never been happier. every day was something different, they basically went to every good spot in california, no matter the distance.

when the commercial break started, zach sighed and kissed jack's temple.

"it's so sad how i'm leaving tomorrow," he spoke, pursing his lips.

"yeah, i know. it makes me not want to go to sleep so it won't have to be tomorrow," jack joked.

"it doesn't work that way, babe," zach replied, knowing jack was joking.

"i wish it did." jack crossed his arms and sat up. "what am i supposed to do after you leave?"

"hangout with friends? i don't know." zach shrugged and turned the tv off, yawning. "we should go to bed. i gotta wake up early tomorrow."

jack groaned loudly, watching his man get up and walk towards the exit of the living room. nevertheless, he got up as well and followed zach into his room.

they both got ready for bed, and slipped under the covers, jack snuggled close to zach.

"goodnight, zach. i love you."

"sweet dreams, love." he kissed jack's head and closed his eyes.


the alarm that rang at six am made jack want to tear his hair out. stupid alarm.

he felt zach's warm arms leave his body seconds before the alarm was turned off. sighing, he got up and stretched.

"'morning," he said in a raspy voice.

"hi," jack responded, shoving his face into a pillow and not wanting g to get up.

but he had to if he wanted to say goodbye to zach at the airport. slowly, he rolled out of bed and grabbed decent clothing.

"my family said they'll meet us there, yeah?" informed zach, putting on a t-shirt.

jack nodded and exited the room, entering the bathroom after.

when zach was sure he had everything, they made their way out. jack helped the other place his luggage in the car before getting in.

"how long is this flight?" jack asked, playing with his nose ring and looking out the window.

"only a couple hours. like, four and a half or something." he shrugged.

jack took a nap since the car ride was rather long. he didn't even realize they got there until zach had to shake him.

"good morning, sleeping beauty," he teased, chuckling.

jack rubbed his eyes and yawned, looking at zach.

"this is it," he said, frowning.

"i'll be back for the holidays, babe, don't worry," zach assured, brushing his hand on jack's cheek.

they got his luggage out of the car and entered the airport, where they located the herron family.

"hey, zach!" greeted myta, hugging her son tightly. "are you ready to go, sweetie?" she asked.

"yeah, i guess so." he smiled.

they did have to wait a while for zach's flight, which gave the herron family a little more time with their beloved zach before he left.

when they called his flight, he stood up from the chairs and looked at both jack and his family.

"i'll miss you guys." he hugged his parents and siblings. "i'll see you guys in the holidays. on christmas and new years."

"what about thanksgiving?" asked reese, looking up at her oldest brother.

"i don't have that long of a break, i wouldn't have time to spend it with you guys." he frowned.

"well, we'll be waiting for you in december," said josh, smiling.

zach returned the gesture and looked at his boyfriend.

"don't miss me too much," he joked, hugging him.

"as if," responded the curly headed dude, looking up at zach.

they gave each other one lady peck on the lips before zach walked away, looking back and waving.


days later

zach was almost fully settled in his dorm, he had a few bags to unpack. his side of the room was decently full while the other half was completely empty. he had no idea who his roommate was gonna be, not that he cared, but he sure hoped he'd get there soon.

the only thing that was constantly on his mind was jack and his family. he missed them so much, but he was in the college he always wanted to go to.

he facetimed and texted jack on a daily basis, but he still wanted him to be there. michigan was a beautiful state and he wanted to go sight seeing with his boyfriend.

but jack wasn't there, and zach probably won't have the time to go sight seeing with him when classes started.

he heard a knock at the door moments after he texted jack, who, by the way, has not responded in hours.

he stood up from his bed and walked to the door, opening it. his jaw dropped and his eyes widened as soon as he saw who was behind the door.

"surprise, i'm your roommate," he said with a smile, letting his luggage drop on the floor before spreading his arms.

"jack." zach smiled and hugged the shorter male, his hands moving down to jack's waist.

zach heard him giggle as he hugged back, loving the fact that he was back in zach's arms.

"wait, what are you doing here? i though you were doing community college?" he asked, pulling away.

"i made you think i was going to community college," jack explained, grabbing his bags from the hallway.


"yeah, you asked me what colleges i got into and i lied."

zach stayed silent for a few seconds before smiling again.

"that's the best freaking lie anyone has every told me." he chuckled and pulled jack closer to him, cupping his face in his hands, making their lips meet.

the kiss was quick but passionate. they both smiled after pulling away, and looked into each other's eyes.

"i love you," said zach, giving the shorter guy a soft smile.

"i love you, too."



welp this was fun, tbh i had no idea where this was going teehee

btw go read uwudorbyn 's book! [im helping her write it :D]

hope u enjoyed this! thank u for reading and commenting and voting i love you for that ♡.

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