Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Well, that was a whole two hours of boredom if you ask me" Tanya said as our two hour class with Mr. Starks came to an end,
"If you look at it, we had one hour ten minutes, "
"Still don't matter, I've got two hours literature class,"
"You love books, that shouldn't be bad,"
"Oh you haven't met Ms. Nelly, she's so arrogant...people say that is why she isn't married yet," she said in a whisper,
"I don't know about you but a whole three hours, three hours Tanya of listening to a whole long ass lecture on European Law with Mr. Philip is not something to dream about, that man can bore you to the core, I mean, it's his job, suitably hire him if you want to be bored to the point of thinking how an eraser got its name," she laughed out loud,
"Well, she's arrogant not boring," she said, "there's Derek, Em and Nats and it seems like they're waiting for you,"
"Yeah, " I said, I've got the habit of having classes with them and for the rest of today, we'll be having classes together, "see you later then,"
"Okay, enjoy your special three hours," she said turning on her heels and walking away.
"And enjoy your arrogant two hours,' I called after her before turning opposite direction walking up to them,
"Hey guys"
"Hey hey, so where's your super star boyfriend?" Derek asked as we headed for class.
"I told you, he isn't my boyfriend,"
"But the..."
"Pleeease....please guys, not this topic,  not now, not ever, take it from me, or take it from the media, which ever one, I'm done explaining my self,"
"Well don't be so mad, but it's everywhere so you don't expect us to believe that easily, and besides, you two ending up at the same places isn't some coincidence, but planned to look like one "
"Honestly Derek, I'm done, how's your girlfriend anyways?"
"Derek? Girlfriend? Since when?" Emily asked surprised,
"You didn't know?"
"He never said so, when did you find out?"
"Yesterday," all heads turned to him for explanation,
"Listen, I told her to tell her boyfriend bye,"
"He's not my boyfriend,"
"Whatever, and then she tells me she's says hi to mine, now you know how much she enjoys being the smart one, I couldn't tell her I didn't have any so she wouldn't reply same," he said, he's really learnt me over the past one year, " so, I don't have a girlfriend.  Settled?"
"Yes, but you should get one,"
"Come on,"
"No more please," he said putting his hands together, Nat backed out returning to her phone screen,we walked into the large hall with students, chattering and gossiping, listening to music and messing around, we found few spare seats which were separated from each other, just two which were at the back seat, were together, and Derek and I being the lovers of back seats during class, aimed it, sitting down I took out my phone to reply to some unread messages while wasting the time left, the immediate silence makes me know Professor Philip has walked in, groans and arrgghhs could be heard, making it known that he wasn't liked one bit.
"So, how many of you spent the last vacation home?"
"Sir, we know how much you've tried but please, don't worsen our situation by trying to start a conversation, I think going straight into lecture for today will do us all good," a student said, making the class snicker with small laughs and comments,
"Well, so be it, pull out your textbooks and note, we're going straight into business, first topic for the session is..." you could still hear the groans and murmurs,
"This guy is just gonna kill me" Derek said,
"No one forced you here,"
"Except my dad. The old man thinks law will shape my life, " I giggled at him,
"Ms. Devhan, what's going on there ?"  All eyes turned to my direction and I bent my head down to my books, hearing Derek laugh calmed me,
"Someone's getting in trouble soon,"
"Mr. Stevens,  I don't want any attitude here,"
"Can we just start the class already!"  Someone yelled out , poor Professor Philip didn't say a word, he knew he was talking too much, and if he continued, they were gonna leave.
"We're looking at Sources of EU law and Institutions " the groan became louder, Derek basically fell face flat on the table making me laugh,
"So let's begin, what do you understand by that?" He asked. The whole class became silent,"since nobody has what to say then I'll pick someone myself," the groans became louder and lazier, "Thomas? " he made a big mistake, he's the official clown of the class,
"How do you expect us to answer something you haven't even taught?" He did have a point,
"I expect that you must have read before now, if you have a case at hand, will you wait till you have just one day to present the case in court?"
"Sir, you have an apprentice with you as a lawyer or assistant, do you all of a sudden transfer your case to them when they're not ready?" Thomas answered, the whole class laughing, Professor Philip shook his head,
"Your generation isn't hopeful at all,"
"Your generation didn't have even the littlest of hope,"
"Get down to the notes,"
"Finally," Derek said sitting up and pulling out his pen,
"Sir, do we have to explain the notes to ourselves or you will take your time from now on?" Professor Philip is widely known in school for not explaining his notes or giving illustrations in class which is why his class is always boring and we tend to not understand a thing at all, why he's still working here is still unknown, he's the dullest lecturer around here,
"That is none of your business,"
"It is our business, you're lecturing us, what are you lecturing when you don't explain, you just drop a whole fifty pages of note for three good hours, and walk out, do we look like those old typewriters in your house? Please sir it is better to not be in this class than to be here and still not understand what you came to learn, not being here is the same thing as being here, you gain no knowledge either ways," Thomas spoke up with anger in him,as usual , he ignored Thomas and went on with the class.
"I begin now, flow with me or complain to yourself, you might as well put that as a suggestion in the school's suggestion box," he said, " our main topic for the day are the Sources of EU Law and Institutions,  so make sure you write that down, at the end of the day, you will be returning with two assignments, now will be a presentation and the next will be written work, and they need to be submitted on our next class which will bet so days from now, by ten a.m., failure to do so, will mean added marks to me, and zero marks to you," he said, the groans knew no boundaries anymore,
"This man, this man derives pleasure from seeing us in pain, he has barely gone to the second line of the note and he's talking of a presentation and assignment," Derek said
"I know right, so frustrating " i replied,
"Did you..."
"Yes Derek, I just did, I'm beginning to see how annoying it is,"
"Hm, seems like that superstar has worked some magic on you,"he said, I rolled my eyes, ignoring him, answering him will be like trying to speak to a rock,
"So, the EU existed due to some treaties over the past sixty years, firstly in 1952 known as European Steel, secondly in 1958 known as The Treaties of Rome, thirdly in 1987 known as The European Single act,  fourth in 1993 known as Treaty of the EU which is also known as Maastricht, "
"Excuse me, you're not flash' s twin sir, please slow down, you're way too fast,"
"Keep up with me"
"I'm trying and you're showing....uuughnnh, all you lecturers and professors, you only know how to use your age to an advantage," he spoke in frustration,
"You might as well do yourself a favour and walk out,"
"Youre right, I should, but you know, my father paid billions for me which is why I'm here, and ab. ..." he stopped talking when the vice chancellor walked in, surprising everyone even Professor Philip,
"Welcome sir,"
"What was going on here?"
"Just some friendly debate sir, about European treaties," Thomas spoke up,
"Well, that is good to hear, anyways I'm glad to introduce you all to a very important personality, he'll be a part of us right now, it's a great pleasure to have someone like him chose this school to study," I looked away from him, focusing on my book, trying to search for where this man got the topic from, so I could go to the library from here and settle down to force my brain to understand it,
"Actualy sir, I am more than privileged to have you have me here," his voice spoke up, I heard whispers, and talks, silent squeals and screams, and it felt like all the air in the large hall was sucked out already, it felt like all eyes on were on me, this couldn't be, this couldn't be happening,
"So, together forever, " Derek leaned in to whisper into my ear, I looked at him,
"Over there," he said raising his brows to direct me, the moment I turn around, our eyes meet, and immediately, more of the air sucks out, and my breathing increases, making me restless,
"Someone's restless," Derek said, I could feel the smirk on his face, my focus remained on Dhawan, he said he's here for a movie, to shoot a movie, so why is he here? In the same room with me? Saying he's privileged to be in this school....this has turned out to officially be the most complicated and worst day of my life and it's all thanks to Dhawan.

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