Chapter Sixty-three

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Kareena woke up immediately, rushed to Varun's room to find out he was almost ready. She rushed back to her room, had a very quick shower, wore her black trouser suit, heels, documents , packed her hair into a messy bun as she rushed down for breakfast.  Varun wasn't there.

"Where is he?"

"Not down yet. " the cook replied. She nodded and sat down for toasts and orange drink. Immediately Varun came down,  he was about to leave with Raghav when she stopped them.

"No way. You can't leave on the first day of work. Come take something." She said.

"Where you off to?"


"Work? What work?"

"Don't ask silly questions. Come sit. It isnt so late. The meeting is by 9, it's seven, drive down to the office, especially when bhai is the one driving will be less or exactly thirty minutes. So come sit. " she said pulling him by his arm.

"You look hot in what you're wearing. You should wear it more often." He whispered into her ears. She smiled

"You don't look bad yourself." She replied, made him sit down. They were joined by everyone else.

"Di, when did you start waking up so early, no make up, when you're on holiday?" Supriya asked after yawning.

"Well , bhai hired me too, to work in the company. "

"I never agreed to that."

"If mom had left you, she never stood by you when you were trying to prove your love, you wouldn't have had enough zeal and confidence to push through. If bhai had not stood by Zara, then you surely would have married him off. I think the first important lesson to be learned is to be supportive when parents try to be difficult. I'm gonna do all I can to make sure Varun succeeds. That's what every successful woman would do for her man. " she replied. Her father didn't say anything, he silently focused on his dinner, while her mom left them. When the trio were done with breakfast, they got up to leave when her mother stopped them.

"Take this Varun. My daughter has never been so stubborn, i love her, and since she has her happiness in you, I'm being forced to do what is right. The sweet I know is just being logical. Taking a sweet thing will make your day sweet. And also this is the first time you're going to work in a company and lead, no vocal chords, guitar or studio. Just pen, documents, ties, table , chair and strict orders. Goodluck my son. And... you can call me mother whenever you want."

"I will call you mother, only when i make you proud." Varun said as he took a bite of the sweet from her hand. Kareena felt a knot of guilt in her guts as she also took a bite of it.

"I'm sorry mom."

"I will deal with your tantrums later. Focus on what is important right now. I just hope you are making the right decision. " her mother said.

"I am also on this journey too. I deserve a sweet. " Raghav said. Zara appeared with his.

"I want you to make sure that your sister and Varun win this. " she said as she fed him. He nodded, smiled and placed a peck on her forehead.

"I will." The three of them stepped out, Varun and Raghav in the front seat, Kareena in the back.

"Thank you everyone for the warm reception. But as of now, you're not looking at the star that stands in concerts or records songs but the temporary chairman of the company..."he paused waiting for the murmuring to die down. "Thank you. I need your support, all way round in any pissible way. No selfies with me or signing of autograph as long as we on official duty. Okay? Thank you."

"In addition to what he said, Varun may be a stranger, may not be a stranger. But as of now he is a part of the company, a part of the board. He deserves the same level of respect and attention you show to me and my father and Akshay. Okay?" Raghav said and he received a positive response. Kareena already had a file in which all that had to be done was in it.

"The meeting Varun, is about the faults our phone has been having. It has been brought to our notice that most of the time, when it charges it becomes hot, most of the time it doesnt at all making us lose buyers and partners."

"Where is it made?"


"Here? How and why is it possible?"

"How V?"

"Know what, star it. I'll speak to your father and Raghav tonight about this. "

"Okay. Um... MTN is waiting inside right now for you and Raghav."


"That is what i don't know. They haven't disclosed  their reason yet."

"Well, let's not keep them waiting." Varun said as he followed Kareena into the conference room. The expression on their faces could tell as they didn't see who they expected to see.

"Hello, Varun Dhawan."

"It's a surprise and a privilege to meet with you sir."

"The same with me. What is the reason for the meeting?"

"Well, since it is you would you like shooting a commercial with us advertising our network?"

"I appreciate the offer but next time. As of now, let's go ahead to the reason you wanted to see Mr. Devhan, "

"Well, we wanted to see him directly..."

"For the next few weeks, Mr. Devhan won't be available."

"Okay. We have a deal about signing the contract."

"What was the contract about?"

"They want us to restrict our phone brand to MTN line alone." Raghav answered.

"That is not the right thing." He said.

"Why Mr. Dhawan?"

"If we do that, we will lose more buyers than we are already losing. There are so many lines that people want to use. As of now, we want to upgrade the phones, so my suggestion is simple. Using our phones, we will make adverts to show people how great our phone is using MTN line. The advert is simple. Imagine this, since i bought my new phone I've been enjoying unlimited network with MTN network. The phone is not just your regular smartphone... something like that. Do you guys understand?"

"No doubt your answer is what Devhan would say. We understand. When your phone has been upgraded and you're ready for the advert reach out to us, we'll plan a date." The spokesperson said as they all shook hands with Varun. They waited till everyone was out.

"I'm so proud of you baby. " Kareena screamed as she jumped on him. He hugged her too and pecked her.

"I must say, this is very good for a start. Congrats man but the day hasn't gone far yet."

"With you man, with her, with everyone else , that is supporting me, I'm not so scared like before. Thank you."

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