I Meet My Friend, Who Is Not A Norse Warrior Spirit

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I fully just couldn't feel them; sensation cut off around my thighs and everything below them just seemed to not exist any more. I could see my legs, but other than that they were just absent. It had taken Celestia a good part of an hour to get a skirt on me, but I'd done the T-shirt myself.
I'd tried the façade again, and though it hurt like a torture appointment, it hid all of my scars on my body, except my legs.
Maybe they'd actually just died, and I didn't have legs any more?
Weirder things had happened?

Celestia had brought me to Valkyrie. No not like the warrior spirit, that was her name. Well probably not her birthname, but a name was a name.
Both me and Celestia had known her a few years now, and we were closeish. I had her number and she was available to help whenever. She wasn't officially a doctor but she knew how to do things like one and she'd helped us out before.
She liked to call herself a "Practitioner of Many Talents," although that really just meant she was smart at everything.

Valkyrie's lab was in a more secluded part of the city, much like the Library, it was in the upper reaches, and took up an entire floor of one of the skyblocks; a huge accomplishment especially with size.
"VALKYRIE,"Celestia called, walking through the entrance,"MY GIRLFRIEND NEEDS HELP."
It struck me how pretty her laboratory was again, a depressing reminder of how terribly I'd tried to make my own version of it.
My fairy lights strung up around our flat were nothing in comparison to all the mood-lighting present here.
Just inside of the entrance was something like an office, lit in soft bluey-green. Other windows and rooms visible from outside were in other hues of the rainbow.
Living here would be so hecking amazing.

Celestia held me off the ground in a gravity bubble and I really regretted going barefoot now, because if I ended up being able to walk it would be extremely uncomfortable.

"Ah, Celestia and Autumn; It's been a bit of a while,"Came the low sarcastic voice of Valkyrie, from a speaker,"Gimme a second I'll be right with you."

"Celestia are you okay?"I asked quietly. She was still quietly raging at everything and I was worried.
"No I'm not okay,"She replied,"The city we grew up in just got taken over and turned into a dictatorship and just..."
"Hey,"I told her,"We can work through this. Somehow."
I sounded a lot more optimistic than I felt.

Luckily our thoughts were interrupted.
"The last time I recall seeing you you were arguing against watching steven universe,"Valkyrie stated. She was kind of cute, with short neck-length hair and a butchy dress sense. She wore a black shirt with dark jeans and just to complete the look; an actual honest to god freaking lab coat.

I mean it was better than a bikini in a shopping centre, but still.
A Lab Coat.

"I actually got her to watch it eventually,"I clarified.
"Amazing, and yet somehow you failed to tell me so I couldn't discuss important things with her?"Valkyrie retorted.
"It may have slightly slipped my mind."
"Anyway,"Valkyrie questioned,"What brings you to my humble abode?"
"Autumn needs help,"Celestia told her. She seemed amused by our conversation which I was thankful for. At least she wasn't really really angry any more.
"Any specific type of help that I don't already know she needs or...?"
"Hey!"I exclaimed.
"Her legs aren't working,"Celestia explained without a shred of humor.
"Intriguing,"Valkyrie remarked,"Lemme get a decent look at her."
A wheely hospital bed came out of a panel in a wall, which closed up behind it. Celestia's gravity bubble popped, and I floated down softly onto it.
It was surprisingly soft.

"Okay Autumn; can you feel your legs?"She questioned.
"Not at all, like I can feel about up to my thighs but everything past there just.... Isn't."

I looked back at Celestia kind of standing in the office thingy both awkward and seemingly worried.
I didn't want to leave her there.

"Uh- Valk?"
"Can Tia come with me?"
"Oh finally; now you get intimate with each other,"She remarked,"Took you long enough, of course she can come."

"Celestia,"I called,"Can you come please? I don't wanna be alone."
"Cuz I don't exist apparently?"Valkyrie huffed.
"Oh yeah sure,"Celestia answered.

Valkyrie took us through a network of corridors, before arriving in something like a hospital room thingy.

"But can you feel this,"She asked putting a finger on my leg.
"No," I answered. I couldn't feel it at all.
"What about this,"She proceeded to pull out a taser and shoot my leg with it.
"Valk!"Celestia yelled in surprise
"Still can't feel,"I confirmed,"Also why do you just randomly have a taser on you?"

"For emergencies,"Valkyrie told me, retracting the taser and putting it away,"Hmmm. I'm gonna need to take an analysis. Also do the scars have anything to do with it?"
"I don't think so,"I answered.
"I'm gonna go get some stuff, then I'm gonna need to put you to sleep."
"Thank you for doing this Valkyrie," I replied gently.
"Wha-"She looked excited at having a new project. I liked her excited,"Uh don't worry about it."

"Are you sure you're okay? I doubt your legs can just stop working and you can be fine,"Celestia questioned as Valkyrie left.
"I think I'm dealing with it okay,"I replied,"I mean Valkyrie is probably going to find something, right?"
Celestia was quiet for a second.
"Autumn..." She whispered,"What if she can't?"
That hadn't occured to me. But what if she couldn't? I wouldn't have legs and I couldn't walk or sit like a disaster any more, or have sex properly or-
"Then I'm fucked."

"I'M BACK,"Valkyrie yelled, bursting in, holding a needle, what looked like a microscope and some other sciency looking objects. Then she paused.
"What are you doing,"Tia asked.
"Gimme a second,"Valkyrie answered. She looked like she was thinking.

"I think she's trying to make a pun,"I speculated.
Finally, she spoke,"You'll never dream of a better doctor than me."

Oh god no.
Even mine were better than that.
"You've had better than that,"I told her.
"Whatever let's just do this,"She inserted the needle into my arm and pushed the plunger down.
Before I even registered the pain Sleep had claimed me again.

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