And Life Goes On.

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She’s been here all night.


She barely sleeps. She won’t leave his side.

He’s not going to come out of it. What has it been, almost two months?

She isn’t ready to give up on him. It kinda romantic.

It’s kinda dumb. She needs to care for herself. She has a baby to think about.

She isn’t doing anything wrong. She loves him.

Who wouldn’t? I mean the man took a bullet for her.

What do you think she will do when they finally pull the plug?

Don’t talk like that. Have some faith.

Faith won’t save him. No one can.

It was all I could do not to slam the door shut to drown out the nurse’s banter. I was none of their concern. Alex was the one who they should be caring for. After all he was the one lying on this god forsaken hospital bed.

After the gun went off, I didn’t have to guess what had happened, I knew Alex had been hit. One of my regular customers tackled Leann to the ground and restrained her until the police and paramedics arrived.

They wanted to take him, without me. They wanted to take his lifeless body to a place where I may never see him again. I begged, I scream and I pleaded with them just to take me with them. I didn’t want him out of my sight. They reluctantly allowed me to come.

He hadn’t just said it but he proved it. He proved in the most self-less way possible how much he loved me. You’ve always heard people tell their loved ones “I’d take a bullet for you.” But I’d never seen that happen. I’d never actually seen someone willingly intercept a bullet in order to save another’s life. Alex saved my life that day. Not just mine but our child as well. A child that until right beforehand, he didn’t even know existed. Alex saved his family.

I knew from the moment I met him and laid eyes on the handsome home invader, that he was going to change my life. I just didn’t realize how much. He taught me so much. He taught me how much love hurts. He taught me about that fine line between love and pain and has held my hand and instructed me on how to keep my balance while walking down that line. He taught me about life and how to enjoy the simple things. He taught me acceptance, trust, and so much more about things I thought I knew all about.

I didn’t care about myself as I waited, day after day, by his bedside. I only ate because I knew our baby needed it. I didn’t want our child to suffer. I would sit for hours on end just watching him. I didn’t want him to wake up and be alone. He was going to wake up after all. He had to.

Meredith and I had begun to rekindle our friendship. We talked for hours just like in the old days. In was during this time that he realized how special of a relationship that Alex and I could have. As I sat here almost 8 months pregnant next to my child’s father, she knew that no matter what Alex and I were soul mates.

And we were.

She looked over at me and just smiled sadly for a moment. She watched the life draining out of my eyes as the days and weeks passed us. Each day I would wake up with renewed hope that Alex would wake up that day. And each night she saw a little piece of me die when he didn’t. Some nights I would lay in bed with Alex and place his hand on my stomach so he could feel our baby moving.  I think this is what saddened Meredith the most. I sometimes doubted that she had any faith that he would wake up. He was going to wake up. It was just a matter of when.

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