Chapter 16-"I-I was just Nervous!"

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Credits to flamefirez  for helping me out with this chapter idea!

Y/n-"What did I actually d-do? The only thing that I can remember was me being mad at Irene.."

Everyone just nervously chuckles.. hoping for someone else but themself to tell you what you had done..


All of the members walk out of the room,  making Yoongi stay there, because they know that he'd keep you the most calm..

Since its just Yoongi and I in the room now, I  get up and scoot over so then Yoongi can now sit right next to me..

He sits next to me on the bed, trying to get comfortable, now noticing the red tint he has on his cheeks...

Yoongi-" I want y-you to know that, a-all of BTS and I-i are greatful to you, I w-wouldn't b-be with you t-today if y-you hadn't managed to do anything.." he manages to breathe out in one breath, stuttering just a little bit..

Y/n-"What did I do then..?" I say looking into his eyes..

He takes in a small breathe and starts talking, "You had found out that Irene had casted a love spell on me, and w-when we were out of dance, you had gone to Irene a-and killed her, because stealing a royals mate is against the law in your world..."

I start to tear up, I d-didnt want to hurt her..

But you had too! She was stealing Yoongi away from you..!

Yoongi Notices my tears and wipes them away with his smol thumbs, now whispering soft nothings into my ear..

I slowly start to smile, and when I smile I can see Yoongi's face become happy as well..


Yoongi-"Yes Y/n..?" He says sweetly, holding his gummy smile on his face, now noticing how much you love and care for him, especially through the whole Irene story

I start to blush, I want to ask this one question.. So Badly—... I just have to think that, I'm the top in the relationship so I have to be confident!

I slide Yoongi in my embrace, and whisper in his ear, "I'm sorry for what I've done, but.. I'd really like it if you would be mine..? Would you like that..?" I say almost looking at him with puppy eyes..

Yoongi-"I will if—."

I stiffen up at the If— part, but I let him continue anyway,
You'll do anything for the one you love..

"If~~ you will not hurt my friends and one other thing..."

Y/n-"That's easy, I was hoping if our families could be one big family too, but what's the only thing?" I say nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck.. as I do this, he giggles softly.

Yoongi-"I'd like for you to give me all the love that you can give, cause I'll definelty give you all of mine.." He says tilting his head up, now showing his small gummy smile..

Y/n-"That's way to easy, I'd do anything for you anyway.. Babyboy.." I say, giving him a new nickname while looking down at him, since he's shorter than me...

Yoongi-" W-What's with the n-new name..?" He says blushing madly...

Y/n-" I mean you are shorter than me, so I thought of you like a smol baby, my smol baby.."

Yoongi just blushes madly and snuggles himself, now into my collar bone, and then asks, "w-when will you m-mate with me..?" He says shyly..

Y/n-"Oh why? Do you want to be with me that much?" I say chuckling, showing him my soft red eyes..

Yoongi-"I-I Mean N-no! I mean y-yes! W-wait, N-nnnooo! I w-was just a-asking a q-question!!"

I giggle at his shyness, "Jeez Babyboy, I thought y-you, l-loved me!" I say dramatically, turning us around on the bed, so now I'm cuddling him, holding him in my embrace..

Yoongi-"N-no I do L-love you! I-I was just nervous.."

Y/n-"That's fine baby, but whenever your ready to mate, I'll wait for you.." I say hugging him tighter, noticing that he is almost asleep..

Y/n-"rest well Babyboy, I'll be right here with you..I love you~"I say now drifting off to sleep on my own, with a smol Yoongi in my embrace, not noticing the few 'gasps' and 'awwes' we're getting from a few people...

Jungkook's POV

Even though I was mad at Y/n before, I'm not anymore since she basically saved Yoongi from some crazy b*tch...

Why did we become friends with Irene again?

Jimin-"Because they were so clingy Kook?"

Jungkook-"Oh I said that out loud?" I nervously laugh at the end.. and raise one eyebrow..

Jennie-"Yep, you said that out louuuddd" she says giggling



Jin-"Do you think we should go check up on my children upstairs..?"

Jisoo-"I think soooo, I mean they've been up there for awhile and I don't hear anything happening so.. ;)" she says with a mischievous smile, thinking about something...

And Here I am Jungshook, not knowing what she means with that smile..

We all get up from the couch that we've been on for awhile, while Yoongi and Y/n have been talking..

And we all head upstairs, going into Y/n's room,

And I've never, I MEAN NEVER, saw something SO ADORABLE...

Everyone including me let out a few 'aweees' and 'they're so cutee'

Jin-"My children have grown up so fast," he says dramatically wiping a fake tear off of his face..

Jungkook-"I've never seen something more adorable.." I say with a cute bunny smile, almost like I'm seeing a puppy for the first time..

Rose-"and I thought you were mad at Y/n.. Hmpf" She says holding in her laughter while looking at me..

We all say a small 'goodnight' in unison, and start to head out of the room..

That conversation sure did take awhile, I cant believe it's already night time 😴

Namjoon-"Do you think we can stay here for tonight, since Yoongi-hyung is here and it's already night time?"

Jisoo-"sure, we'll show you your rooms.."
after she says this Jisoo shows us our rooms and we all fall asleep..

Hoping for a new happy day to arise~~

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