Chapter 2- Leader-Nim?

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After getting my schedule for the rest of the day I get out of the office and I start to head to that class.
Just as soon as I get there someone bumps my shoulder hard but all I do is stand still, since it doesn't affect me.
I look up to see who it was and I am met with 7 curiosity-filled eyes.
I widen my eyes and just go to knock the door but one of them grab my wrist and pushes me onto a few of the lockers.

???-" Look here, the newby's going to our class?"

Y/n-" I guess so" *I read his mind so I know what he's going to do and I smirk, but when I read minds my eyes flash red for a split second and then come back to the color they were before*

Their plan was to help me and then hurt me, wow cliché, I have to Act, it's all an Act. Just remember that...
Act like your scared
Y/n-" W-what d-do y-yo-you want *my eyes flicker over to Namjoon and I give him a glare while he gives me a smirk*

Namjoon-" Let us introduce ourselves"
He says while I'm still stuck to this locker by this other guy now holding my hands behind my back like a policeman holding a criminal

Namjoon points at a short boy with chubby cheeks
???-"My Name is Jimin Newby"
Jimin then points to a guy that has broad shoulders
???-" The Name is Jin or worldwide handsome"
I scoff and sigh in annoyance
Then they start going down the line
Taehyung, Hoseok, And Yoongi,
Oh and the one with an insanely innocent Bunny-looking face is Jungkook and Boy... he's a Muscle pig...

Namjoon-" Well now you know us Newby and we know you.. You'll be our new target so..Watch out for Bangtan"

Y/n- *Scoffs silently* " O-okay.."

Jungkook finally lets me go and I go into class while all 7 of them are staring at me

I slowly walk into class while Bangtan goes in also to their already prepped seats..

The teacher comes to me and tells me to introduce myself..

I walk to the front of the classroom and Introduce myself

Y/n-"Annyeong my name is Y/n and I came here from America, and I hope we'll become good friends." After I say this I give a sweet smile but my eyes are cold looking

The only thing my ears could hears was
"I hope she won't be a new target for Bangtan"
"She's cute"
"She's from America? Woah I want to know about America"
"Didn't you hear Bts already targeted her"

And I guess that last one caught a lot of attention from the classroom so everyone started to talk about me being Bts' new target.

I sigh and go to a seat near a window that was open and just relax
This is going to be a long year, ya'know I can't wait to get home and I'll ask the girls to go out as a gang and maybe I can get some fresh blood again. Hehe

I snap out of my thoughts as I heard someone slam their hand on the table I'm at. This causes me to look up at the person and I'm met with the teachers glare.
What was she talking about?
Why did— WAIT, what, when, AM I IN TROUBLE... oh no.. not good for my reputation.

I try to play cool so I smile innocently at the teacher hoping nothing will go wrong,

Mrs.Song-"Y/n would you like to do the problem on the board for me?"

Y/n-*Deep breath* "I wouldn't mind trying it"

Haha!! See I've been around for many years being a vampire so being smart just comes my way doesn't it?!

I walk up to the board and while I do so I hear things like
"That's the hardest problem in the book" and "She's just a nerd, why do you care so much"

I do the problem in just 1 minute because it was some easy Algebra, well... at least easy for me.

The teacher looked shocked.?
Did I do something wrong?
Mrs.Song-"Y-you did the hardest problem.. h-ho-how?

I smirk just a little bit knowing I don't want to get caught and I just say "Years of experience"

So I just go back to my seat and start writing lyrics in my notebook...

Time Skipeau brought to you by the Jams Jimin doesn't have! (*ω)

Right before everyone was about to get up since it's the end of class, I feel someone looking at me and it's almost as if they're staring at me so I take a look around and I see..

From bts looking directly at me
But as soon as he notices I caught him he turns around and hides a little pink blush on his cheeks.

Bad boy huh.? Seems like a cute little sub boy to me— Wait WHAT? Why and when did I think like this? They're going to hurt me I can't fall for anyone. Anybody could get hurt in my lane of work

And again.. someone snaps me out of my dream-like state. And this time it was Lisa running to me Yelling "Leader-nim" I widen my eyes since there is still Bts here, in the classrooom, looking directly at us.

Y/n-"heh..hehe. * I giggle softly* I whisper shout to her " Remember it's just Unnie here get it!"

Lisa looks around the classroom thinking no one was here.

Lisa-"But There's no one aro—"

I shut her up and give her a hard icy glare sling her around to see bts

She scoffs at the sight, then starts to drag you out of the room leaving bts alone together and dumbfounded


Taehyung- "Hyung who was that and more importantly how is Y/n her leader?!!"

Namjoon-"Well that's what we've got to find out"

Jin-" Guys It's lunchtime lets just go to our usual and eat and then we'll think about this."

Rest of bts "Yes hyung"

Will BTS figure out what Lisa meant by Leader-nim, will Y/n and her gang go out and kick some butt and Y/n will get her meal?
Or will it all end in just a bullying session with bts?

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 [𝐦.𝐲𝐠 𝐟𝐟] 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙Where stories live. Discover now