When Will It End?

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It has been roughly three weeks from the time that Jimin ended their relationship. Taehyung was losing weight drastically that his bread cheeks are no longer there unless he smiles big but that doesn't happen too often now. Jimin as usual is still spending less time in the dorm, always going out to either be with his other friends or even booking a hotel just to avoid meeting his now ex-boyfriend.

"God? Are you real? If you can hear me, can you just make everything stop? If you want to take my life, this would be the perfect time." Taehyung sobbed in the bathroom, praying with a very soft voice hating the idea that he might wake Namjoon. He's on his third bottle of soju, a habit that he had developed to cope with his loneliness, a fast and effective escape.

"Please. Please. Make it stop. Take me! This feels like death everyday. When will this end?!"

Taehyung would spend every night drinking until he lost consciousness and fell asleep because he had completely forgotten how to do so without alcohol. He would wake up in the morning, fighting a hangover making him weaker day by day.

Their breakup is now known to their close circle of friends and that includes Kai. It was no secret that the man is in love with Jimin and tried being in a relationship with someone else just so he can get over him to no success. Now that he knows that Jimin is single again, he wouldn't let the opportunity pass without pursuing him again.

At the practice, everyone one was surprised when Kai dropped by their dance studio.

''Kai? W-What are you-why are you here? I mean, it's not the end of our day yet and we still have a few hours to rehearse.'' Jimin stuttered looking confused as ever.

"I brought food for you and for everyone. You should all be eating lunch by now." Kai answered smiling brightly and Taehyung wanted nothing but to wipe that grin off his face.

''Oh, you're right. It's past 1 PM, I guess we should eat first.'' Namjoon agreed and eventually they all ate with Kai enjoying the food that he brought them.

Kai kept feeding Jimin which makes Taehyung boil with anger deep down but he knows he can't show any form of emotion right now. He doesn't have that right anymore. His grip on his chopsticks are getting tighter than necessary and quite frankly, it's on the verge of breaking. He had no plans of eating the food but being well-mannered and not wanting to look like a salty asshole, he ate quietly though in reality, he's been thinking of ways to knock the other man out.

While enjoying their meal, the mood was light and friendly with conversations about concerts, comebacks and funny stories. Then, Kai got everybody's attention and the mood suddenly shifted.

"Guys, I know that this may seem inappropriate and I'm really sorry specially to Taehyung but I just have to let it all out. I'd like to court Jimin again. I mean, I never really stopped loving him."

Jimin's spoon fell off from his hand with eyes wide open, the look of shock is evident, because what the fuck? "Uhm. . . Can we talk about it a bit later maybe? Jimin doesn't really know if he wants to talk about it though.

''I'd love too.'' Kai responded with enthusiasm.

Yoongi is keeping a poker face but his knuckles have turned white. He can't believe that Kai had the audacity to say such knowing Taehyung was with them. That was a low-blow he thought.

On the other corner of the studio, Taehyung just kept quiet, eating. The rest of the members know that he is just putting up a facade and are really worried for their friend, even Jimin felt bothered too.

"Oh no look at the time! I have to go back to rehearse too! See you later Jimin!" Kai kissed Jimin's cheek and quickly stood up heading out rushing. The shorter man was beyond shock and this time, Yoongi didn't make an effort to hide his annoyance and sneered.

Taehyung also excused himself saying he had to buy something from the convenience store and Jimin felt horrible. He didn't see this happening at all because what is this? A fucking k-drama? Never in his entire existence did he imagine this to happen. Life must have hated him so bad. 

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