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It's been exactly five days since the way things turned out. Jimin canceled his flight to Japan and apologized to his family for not making it, promising to join them next time. Taehyung also decided not to go to Daegu because he couldn't afford to be away from his boyfriend, not even for a second. He had to explain it to his dad in a different manner of course not wanting to sound like a completely smitten lovebird that he is but he will worry about that later.

They spent their time doing domestic things, something that they weren't able to do for the longest time. Jimin takes care of their food while Taehyung does the laundry for both their clothes. They cleaned the dorm too which rarely happened due to their busy schedules. They would normally hire a cleaner to do it for them when they have a back to back shoot, but now that they are able and free, it actually feels nice to do it again.

Taehyung had just finished his task and went straight to the kitchen. Jimin is done cooking their dinner too and he agreed to bring the food to the living room so they can eat while watching a movie. Staining the carpet isn't really a problem since they have a small table placed on the floor. Everything is just perfect.

Taehyung snaked his arms to Jimin's waist giving him a back hug and peppered his nape with kisses. "I'm done with the laundry, baby. Can we get married now?" He asked the shorter one, making him giggle that Taehyung adored so much.

"Tae. . . Is it gonna be your thing for real? Asking me to marry you every day?"

Taehyung hummed. "I will ask you until you say yes, Jiminie."

"Taetae. . . I never dreamed of a big wedding or a grand proposal from anyone, but I sure hope that I was not just wearing boxers when it happened you see." Jimin turned around to give a soft kiss to Taehyung's lips. "Come on. Let's bring the food out, I'm famished." Taehyung groaned a little but did not protest anymore as he could feel the drop of his energy too, making him realize how hungry he actually is.

The two ate satisfactorily in front of the TV. Teahyung constantly feeds Jimin and vice versa.

"Jin hyung is a great cook and so are you, Jiminie." Taehyung flashed his boxy smile. Jimin can't help but coo and pinch his cheeks.

"Ah! I almost forgot!" Jimin quickly stood up and headed back to the kitchen.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked but before he gets an answer Jimin is walking back to him holding a small round shaped strawberry cake.

"I baked a cake while you were busy. I'm not an expert but I tried tasting the scrap earlier and I thought it was okay." Jimin replied smiling genuinely with his beautiful crescent eyes.

"Strawberry cake? My favorite!" Taehyung made a grabby hand and signalled Jimin to sit down with him and eat.

Taehyung's eyes widened from the first bite of the pastry. "What do you mean it tasted okay?"

Jimin was surprised by Taehyung's question and was trying to read his reaction but he failed. His lips forming a pout on the possibility of his boyfriend not liking the pastry but it's okay, he'll just try again. "Oh, did you not like it? Was it too sweet? Or was it-" Taehyung disrupted the other's question by placing his fingers to cover his mouth.

"It's amazing, baby! When we get married and we retire from being an idol, we can just open a bake shop. I'm sure it will sell!" Taehyung uttered while gobbling his dessert. Jimin chuckled and felt relieved. He is honestly convinced that he messed up. He must have known Taehyung like the back of his hand but the fucker can act really well if he wants to.

"Jiminie. . . Ahhh.." Taehyung holds the fork telling Jimin to open his mouth so he can shove a huge chunk of cake.

"I'm okay, Tae. I'm full."

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