Fucked Up

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The members are now settled in their hotels. Taehyung and Jimin remained quiet arriving in separate cars. The clock shows 1 AM but they have yet to eat proper dinner so Namjoon asked everyone to stay up a little longer so they can all dine together. The members agreed to their leader aside from Jimin.

"I don't want to eat hyung. I'm not hungry and I'm beyond tired, I need to sleep. Please enjoy the food and I'll just see you tomorrow." Namjoon smiled kindly,and nodded in response but reminded Jimin to at least eat a snack before leaving him.

Jimin walked straight to his room absentmindedly not paying attention to his surroundings and his boyfriend.

All of them know each other like a mother knows his own child. Therefore, nobody needs to tell them that something wrong must have happened which is why Jimin looks sad although he throws the lame excuse "tired" so no one would question him any more.

"I fucked up hyung." Taehyung informed the rest in the middle of dinner while holding his stainless chopsticks firmly.

"Why am I not surprised anymore?" Yoongi responded while chewing his kimchi, not leaving his eyes from his food.

"Thanks, hyung. That's very comforting." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Anytime." Yoongi barked another sarcasm.

"Come on babe. Give Taehyung a break. What happened, Tae?" Hobi asked, he is literally the ball of sunshine of the group.

"So. . . We kinda made out in the restroom earlier-"

But before Taehyung can complete his story, Jungkook laughed and roasted him as usual. "Kinda makeout? Who are you fooling? I bet you two acted like wolves in the heat for sure. Jimin being your Omega, moaning Taetae. . . Taetae"

The boys laughed hard from what the youngest cracked.

"First of all, why are you talking to me about sex when you're twelve? Secondly, how dare you use the honorifics when speaking shit of me bugs bunny?!"

Jungkook only made funny faces to annoy Taehyung even more.

"Anyway, going back. . . So okay. Fine. We made out heavily and then things got way too hot and to make it short, I pushed him away and brought up how uncomfortable I am because I don't want people to know about us." Taehyung explained and then sighing deeply.

"I'll give you ten seconds to tell me that I heard you wrong" Jin responded but there was only silence. "You're a fucktard Taehyung!" Jin screamed, slamming the table.

"I know! I don't need a fucking reminder hyung!" Taehyung massaged the back of his neck with his own hands.

"You see. I know that I fucked up, it's just that I really have to do it. I have to avoid him to make things easier for me." Taehyung tried to convince the others, most especially himself that he did the right thing because guilt is eating him alive. He's hurting Jimin again how fucked up.

"See. That's where the mistake is. We get that you need to avoid Jimin, that's understandable and we will not stop you from your decision but it does not warrant making him feel worthless, Tae." Namjoon said calmly.

"I know. I feel extremely bad too. I just want this to stop." Taehyung looked down in defeat.

"You'll get over this soon, Tae. Jimin too. It will all be over." Yoongi retorted.

In the meantime, Jimin stayed alone in the hotel. "He won't look into my eyes. He won't touch me. He doesn't even talk to me. Wow. What just happened? We were happy before this. I thought we were okay. I really thought we were." He talks to himself because the situation is seriously giving him anxiety.

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