Chapter 1

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       You run out of your apartment, late for your interview. "Oh lord, I'm gonna miss the free nacho cheese bus!" You cry. You take your bike and yeet yourself down Main Street, faster than the speed of speed. Luckily, You make it in time for the Nacho Bus, A lucky save. You walk up to the bus and place your order. 

"Hi, I'll get one extra special nacho pack, please," You chirp. "And one bottle of water flavored water." 

"No problem you absolute illiterate idiot," Said the man in the stand. 

"Thank you..." You read the name tag. "...Katsuki Bakugou?" what the frick, you think in your head. This isn't right. Mr.Chungus always takes my order, who is this odd man? 

"You illiterate Minecraft Noob come eat your nachos!" Screams Katsuki Bakugou, "Before I yeet you into my prison on my part of the moon." 

"O-Okay..." you mumble as you take your nachos, backing away from the truck carefully. You walked into "LANGUAGE INC.", right across the street from the Nacho Bus. The nachos tasted burnt, but they were still good! 

      Language Inc.'s lobby was huge. It was white walled with lime green sofas and doors. The receptionist wore green all over her, with hazel hair. "Hello," She said. "Are you here for the interviews scheduled today?" 

           "Y-yes," You say sheepishly. 

              "wonderful," Said the receptionist, "Come with me." The two of you walked through a lime green doorway, which led to a hallway with many other lime green doors. The one at the end was larger than the others. The receptionist opens it and inside was an array of lime green sofas and coffee tables, men and women like you going over files and scripts. large windows made up one big wall looking out to the skyline. Language inc. was a modern place. 

           "have a seat and you will be called by the Big Boss when ready," the receptionist said, shivering at the words "Big" and "Boss". You wonder what that could mean. The boss must be a scary one. 

             You take out your notes from your bag and eat the rest of your nachos and read your script. "I am an amazing worker who can speak 30 different languages. I have been around the globe, and now I live here in Danville, Tri-State Area." you whisper your lines over and over until you know you're ready. Come on, Big Boss, you think. Come and tackle me with all you've got. 

       Your name is called, and you jump in anxiety. You start to shiver as you walk pass all the people staring at you. in the back, there was a lime green and gold plated door, large and pro. This must be the Big Boss Office, you think. 

      "good Luck," Shivered the woman who accompanied you, who's name tag said "Assistant to Mr.D". Mr.D. The D must be the initial of the Big Boss. You gulp, and slowly open the door and walk into the office.

       "Enter," Says a booming mysterious voice. Nobody was at the large white and gold desk in the middle of the spacious office, but still the voice lingered. You sit down at the small chair that must be for people like you. You arrange your stuff as neatly as you can, and as you are, a shadow looms over you. You gulp, daring to turn your body around. You turn, and before you there he is. 

        He was big and wore a black suit. His green feathered hair was groomed neatly under a hat. His eyes were big and ready to kill anyone that annoys him, even a little. His arms were buff under his shirt. Hid body would kill anyone who gives him a hug. Beads of sweat form on your forehead in fear. One bad thing, and you won't make it out alive. 

         Big Boss sits at his desk, a BOOM as he plops down. he folds his Lime hands in front of him, his eyes large and staring straight at you. His sharp mouth couldn't really show emotion, but you knew he was not pleased. 

        "Well, Mortal?" He raises a green eyebrow. "Speak." 

          "H-Hello, sir," You say. "M-My name is-" No. You had to get it together. No bad stuff. Stop being a wimp. You puff yourself out and start again: "Hello Sir. I am here for a job under the 'Spanish' Category. I can speak all of it's known words, and other than Spanish I speak 29 other languages. I traveled around the world last year, where I learned about culture around the globe." You breathe. "I live with my twin sister, my Dad, and my dog. We are a happy family. My family can also speak 30 languages, and so ca the dog. My dad works for Language Inc, too, sir" You breathe again. "I am a hard worker and I can fill out 100 papers in 5 minutes. Sir, If you accept me, I won't let you down." You breathe one more time, and wait for the answer from the big boss. 

      He looks at you. He stares and stares and stares. Finally he speaks. "Well..." He starts. You hold in your breath in fear. "...You are a very talented mortal." His sharp mouth forms...Into a smile! 

           "No human has ever made me smile!" Laughed Big Boss. "I noticed that you changed your tone with me. I am glad to accept your job request!" 

           You exhale happily, blushing with victory. The Big Boss was a great guy. Everyone is saying the wrong things about him. You look at Big Boss in the eyes. His beautiful, loving-- 

               Wait! No! This should NOT be happening! You look down in humiliation, ears burning. "Th-Thank you!" You say as you rush out. 

(Note from Ya Boi, Guzma- I mean me: Thank you so so so much for this omg. I never actually tried wattpad before so this is my first time and it is On Fire! Thank you for the support!!) 

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