Season 2 Chapter 2

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Bells rung all around and the festival was alive with happiness at FARF headquarters. Everyone in Danville came to see Duo, Thanos, and NyanCat protect the universe in hope for a brighter future. You spent the whole day with Duo before he leaves after all of the celebrations.
"I'm glad we're celebrating our last day like this, together." You smile.
"I, Too, enjoy this day," Duo holds your hand. "I'll miss you so much." The two of you walked to a bottle toss game in the festival where Duo won you a giant plush Belle Delphine.
         "Oh Duo!" You cry, "I love it!" You hug Plush Belle as you two walk on to have a fine memory of a last day.

But soon, the sun started to set. Games started closing as the big crowds started nearing to the stage in front of the big rocket. You knew this was it. Duo had to go. You had to say goodbye. Duo said he had to put on his spare suit so you waited for him.
Mayor Jah stood in front of the stage. You and Duo hurried towards the stage after Duo quickly put on his space suit before. He was late to his own goodbye speech!
"Get up there, Duo." You smile as a tear runs down your cheek. "You'll be great."
"I love you forever and ever, my lovely mortal..." Duo also Started to cry. The two of you leaned in, loser and closer, as you kissed, with the sun setting behind you to make the most stereotypical scene known to man.
"I have to go now..." Duo whispered as Mayor Jah started his speech. "I love you."
"I love you too!" You said between sobs. And then you depart. Duo hurries towards the stage, and you towards the crowd seating with wet eyes.
"We are proud to have FARF bring Danville's most immortal beings into space to keep us protected!" Mayor Jah smiled. "And in less than 10 minutes, The large rocket before you will blast off faster than the speed of light!"
Duo, Thanos, and NyanCat were walking up the stairs of the rocket. You saw them go into the tip of the ship and into the cockpit, their heads looking so small from where you were.
"...Now everyone, start the countdown!" Woah, ten minutes go by so fast when you mourn about what you love is about to be Yeeted. "10,9,8..." The crowd REEEE'd.
"SEVEN, SIX, FIVE!" You scream louder than anyone else, sobbing and hugging your Belle Plush, it being the last gift from Duo for you ever again for a long, long, long time.
"FOUR, THREE, TWO!" everyone screamed.

"One." You whisper.

Loud noises followed, and because for some reason the stage was right in front of the rocket, everyone ran for their lives as fire and explosions started spewing from the rocket engines. Mayor Jah tried to run, but an explosion hit him. You were shocked with horror, but you still ran, hoping to guide yourself somewhere safe. In the end, everyone made it out alive. Except Jah. But that'll be important later, you wait and see my friends.

When you arrived home you cried yourself to sleep, hugging you Belle plush, which you now changed outfits for. She was now wearing the "Earth-Chan" Outfit. As you cried, you smiled. You were happy to know that Duo was out there saving the universe for everyone...for you. It made you feel more safe and loved with that knowledge. Plus, you got promoted now that he was gone. Not anything important, but Duo doubled your pay and made you in charge of the Minecraft Enchantment Table Department. All was good, even with Duo not around.

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