Chapter Eighteen- I Can't Believe I'm Taking Dating Advice From My Mother

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"He is a good man, mija. Just give him time."
"I can't believe I'm taking dating advice from my mother."

After Diego's disappearance, Elena had driven Five and Klaus back to the Hargreeves'

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After Diego's disappearance, Elena had driven Five and Klaus back to the Hargreeves'. She had stayed in the car while they went in, thinking things over. She sat there in a tranquil rage, not quite being able to bring herself to actually do anything, but still being irrationally angry. Why would Diego listen to her? Did she really care about it this much?

Elena sighed and angrily stormed out of the car and up the front steps to the Hargreeves' house. After everything that had happened, she would have thought they'd lock the front door, but it was open and she let herself in. Turns out, she wasn't the only person who had let themselves in.

Elena went straight to the sitting room in search of Five. She found him alright, sat at the bar with Delores and a margarita in his hand. Slumped on the back of the couch, seemingly having a good old chat with Five, was Hazel.

Elena tensed when she saw him. Her chest tightened, a sting of pain coming from where the bullet had ripped through her flesh. When he saw her, Hazel stood up straight.

"You." Elena hissed, in a strange calm that was anything but. "Was it you?" She asked bluntly, Hazel didn't seem to follow. "Do you kill Eudora? Did you shoot her and leave her to die?" She shouted.

"I didn't shoot her. That was my partner." He said stiffly, clearly uncomfortable. At least Elena was doing something right.

"Did you shoot me?" She asked again, in the same angry, patronising tone.

"Again, partner." Hazel explained, still uncomfortable. Elena nodded, not satisfied but not dissatisfied. Eudora was still dead no matter who killed her. Elena slowly crossed the room and took a seat next to Five at the bar.

 Elena slowly crossed the room and took a seat next to Five at the bar

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"Drink?" He asked.

"I'm driving." Elena replied bitterly, turning her back on Hazel.

"So, Hazel? Why are you here?" Five asked cooly. Elena stared at the pitcher of margarita and shrugged.

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