Chapter Fifteen- I Have A Plan, It's Called Trust Me!

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"That's a rubbish plan!"
"Do you have a better plan?"
"Yeah! I have a plan, it's called trust me."


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"'re religious?" Diego asked as they finally managed to escape from Luciana's meddling clutches.

"Yeah. Catholic." Elena stated as they walked down the incredibly narrow staircase.

"You don't strike me as super religious person."

"I'm not. My mother is the super religious one. You know, when my brother first started attending an alcohol support group, she said 'the only support group you need!'" Elena said, dramatically imitating her mother's accent, "'Is church!'"


"Yeah. I'm not that religious but church is important to me, not because of God or because you get to gossip with the old ladies during mass but because it's important to my family." Elena explained, "If Klaus wants to believe that God is 'racially ambiguous', that's fine but I have also had to live with my mother who strongly believes God is all seeing with the most impressive white beard you have ever seen!"

Diego chuckled weakly.

"Hey, you okay?" Elena asked

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"Hey, you okay?" Elena asked. "Cause you've been quiet for like 5 hours. I'm worried."

"Yeah, yeah." He muttered, "Just, a lot of stuff going on."

"Yeah, like that blonde woman?" Elena asked. Diego stopped on the stairs to stare at her in confusion, "What? You just disappeared when we were trying to treat Five! You really think I wasn't going to see what was going on?"

"You're stalking me now?" Diego asked.

"I was investigating!" Elena defended.

"Yeah? Investigating?"

"Yeah, I'm allowed. You're not." Elena teased.

"Why's that?"

"You're not a police officer."

"So?" Elena prompted again as she reached the final set of stairs. "Who was she?"

"My mom."

"I thought your mom died?"

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