Chapter Twenty- You Two Here For A Date?

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"You two here for a date?" 
"No! We're- you know what, never mind. No one ever believes me when I say it's not a thing, why try?"

 No one ever believes me when I say it's not a thing, why try?"

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Everyone stared at Elena. Even Elena stared at Elena. She looked from Diego's lack of wound to her hands and back again about five times.

"How, how did you do that?" Diego stammered in bewilderment. Elena started, wide eyed and somewhat scared at her hands. They were still covered in blood.

"I don't know."

"Just think what would happen if she touched you!" Klaus exclaimed, looking to his left, seemingly talking to no one. Elena just stared at him in confusion.

"Hey guys!" She heard Five's high pitched, pubescent voice call out. Voice breaks must be fun for him. "This is it." He said gravely as he approached, scrambling over the rubble, "The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today." He explained, brandishing a newspaper.

"What do you mean? We stopped it, right? Harold or Leonard or whatever, he's dead!" Elena protested.

"Well I was wrong, okay?" He graciously admitted, "This newspaper," He said holding up the paper, "I found this exact newspaper in the future, that day I got stuck. The headline's the same! Nothing's changed!"

"That doesn't mean anything." Diego interjected defiantly. Elena saw Five sigh and shake his head. "Time could have been changed since this morning."

"Yeah, they could have printed that days ago! You have to plan ahead a little." Elena reasoned. Diego nodded in agreement.

"You're not listening to me!" Five exclaimed in frustration

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"You're not listening to me!" Five exclaimed in frustration. "When I found this place, I assumed it came down with everything else. But here we are. The moon's still shining and the Earth is in one piece...But not the academy!" Five protested. Luther walked forward and snatched the newspaper from his bony hands, tossing it to the ground. Klaus darted forward and snatched it up, turning it over in his hands.

"I'm confused." Klaus mused, russling the newspaper.

"Then listen to me you idiots!" Five shouted, Elena pulled a face and he held an excusing hand up at her. She nodded, smiling. "Vanya destroys the academy before the apocalypse! I thought Harold was the cause but turns out he was just the fuse and Vanya is the bomb! Vanya causes the apocalypse!"

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