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Vadah Avani Parker | Buddha

Vadah Avani Parker | Buddha

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Treneé Marie Parker | Nay

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Treneé Marie Parker | Nay

Treneé Marie Parker | Nay

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Zyir Monae Parker | ZaZa

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Zyir Monae Parker | ZaZa

Zyir Monae Parker | ZaZa

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Lady Keaundra Parker | Lady

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Lady Keaundra Parker | Lady

Lady Keaundra Parker | Lady

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all rights reserved !

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all rights reserved !

no parts of this book can be reproduced in any form . dis mf can't be reused , screenshotted , typed , copied , written , etc. without consent from the author . myself . you wanna borrow a scene from my book ? cool , PM me and we can discuss that . don't steal my shit tho .

dis mf will include:

-use of drugs & alcohol
-explicit language
-sexual and sensual content

dis mf is fictional . names , characters , places & incidents are products of MY imagination . any resemblance to an actual person , dead or alive is completely coincidental . enjoy.


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