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(excuse all mistakes.)

Compton, California 📍

Vadah Avani Parker | Buddha

"People babies be so ugly." Hazel scrunched up her face, looking down at her phone.

"Let me see." A'sean looked there. They looked at each other with a knowing look on their faces and bust out laughing. "That baby ugly as hell."

"Y'all are going to hell." I shook my head.

"Buddha, you can't tell me this damn baby not ugly."

She showed me the picture of the baby. He was a newborn, of course he looked a little... Off.

That's how all newborns looked.

"He's precious." I waved her off.

"Precious my ass. You too nice."

"Your babies are gonna come out ugly." I laughed.

"Mfs babies be coming out ugly cause they ugly. Ian ugly. My babies gon be perfectly fine." A'sean laughed.

"Okay?" Hazel grasped his hand as they laughed.

We were at school in 4th period. We had a substitute and as always, A'sean skipped in here.

When I got to class, I seen Hazel and walked past her, to my seat. I was so socially awkward and I didn't wanna initiate conversation for her to just diss me.

Like, 'bitch ion fuck witchu. fuck out my face'

Why would she do that? I don't even know.

I was just always overthinking something.

"Lucci disrespectful as fuck. Point blank period."

"Ion see how he was wrong. She should've put a lil smirking emoji and called it a day. Reginae hurt as fuck." Some boy that was sitting next to us said waved her off.

"Hell no. Disrespect is disrespect. He should respect the fact that his girl don't appreciate him doing stuff like that. Period."

"What'd he do?" I asked confused. I didn't really keep up with things like that.

"Girl so basically he commented under a video that Boosie posted of some random sucking on a cucumber. Reginae replied to his comment and you already know the shade room reposted it with they messy ass."

"So now its this big ole thing with them all over the internet."

"When are they not all over the damn internet?" A'sean rolled his eyes. "I'm sick of Reginae and Listerine."

"You irritating." She laughed.

"Wow." I shook my head. "Meek Mill would never."

"Girl shut the fuck uppp about himmm." They bust out laughing.

"I just love everything about him." I rolled my eyes, throwing my head back. "He so raw to me."

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