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"Hurry up and get the hell out my car! I gotta go to work!" Daddy rushed Nay, Lady, Daja, and I.
"If you call standing on a corner work.. count me in!" Nay exclaimed with a big smile on her face.
"Girl getcho ass out my car." He bust out laughing, throwing a balled up napkin at her. Daddy could never be firm with us. He was always the fun parent.
"Bye Daddy. Love you." Lady chuckled, getting out the front seat.
"Ight ugly."
I was waiting on Daja to slide out when he called out to me.
"Ion get no love princess?" He looked at me. He was only talking to me cause he knew he had upset me. He ate my double stuffed Oreos when I specifically said they were mine and I didn't want anyone to touch them.
"See you later." I mumbled before getting out.
"See you later my babies! Have a good day at school! Go be smart and shit!" He yelled out the window.
"He is soooo ghetto." Lady pulled her hood down further on her head.
"Bye Dad!" Daja was just as loud as him.
"Girl come on." Nay dragged her hand.
A mean mug found itself on my face like it was second nature. I had what people called a resting bitch face.
"I'm finna go get breakfast." Lady looked at us.
"Bye bitch, the fuck." I fake mugged her.
"Okay hoe cause you ain't gotta do all that." She bust out laughing before walking away.
"We finna go too." Nay and Daja looked at me.
"Okay." I nodded. I hated school food so I wouldn't be eating that shit.
"Nay you know Jah'Kiing said he was gonna leave his girlfriend for you?" I heard Daja say as they walked away.
"Ion give a damn. Ion want his ass." I shook my head at Nay's response. I wasn't surprised though. My lil sister always had a nigga. And he was never her nigga. The bitch was just a pimp.