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i really ain't shit.

& then these chapters b bogus asl so idk why i b takin so damn long.

(excuse all mistakes.)

Compton, California 📍

Kamiri Al'Malik Baker | KB

"You always doing stupid shit. Damn." I looked at myself in the mirror. We left the hospital a good hour ago and we were all at DaeDae's house.

Well everybody but DaeDae.

ion like his bitch but i hope my boy good.

I was still feeling a lil weird bout how I broke shit off with Vadah.

I don't even know why I did that.

I honestly don't know why I do half the shit I do.

I wanna say because it be impulsive but ion even know what that shit mean. I just heard my grandma using the word a couple of times.

It was just that everyday, my feelings for this girl grew stronger and fucking stronger.

I knew I was fucked up when I wanted to kill everybody in that damn hospital room.

Specially her stupid, hating ass sister.

I shoulda offed that bitch.

I got abandonment issues and I feel myself getting attached to this girl.

I know she say she ain't gone leave me but I can't help but think otherwise.

So I just made a problem out of nothing, pushing her away before she can leave me, giving me control over the whole situation.

I don't give a fuck who thought it was stupid. I wish there was a different way but this was the only way for me. My way. This was how I coped.

This was how I dealt with every situation.

Sighing, I flicked the light off and walked out of the bathroom, making my way to the dining room where everyone was at.

"Don't touch me no more! Do it again, Imma rock yo world in this motherfucker!" Squirrel bucked at Chauncey.

"So rock it." The phone sat on the island as they made a dubsmash.

"Both of y'all childish as hell." Daja shook her head.

"Im tired of yo grumpy ass." Chauncey mugged her.

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