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im so sorry y'all.

(excuse all mistakes.)

Compton, California 📍

Vadah Avani Parker | Buddha

I was feeling so many emotions all at once. Anger and confusion being two.

Anger because my food was on the fucking ground.

And confusion because-

"What.. the fuck.. is going on?" I stared with my mouth agape as everyone loudly argued back and forth.

"KB bra it ain't even like that. If I'd a known this was you, I wouldn't even be onnat." Nasiah spoke with his hands up in surrender.

"Oh wow he's a bitchhhh." Nay pursed her lips from beside me.

"Bitch shutup. Can't take nothing serious." Chocolate bust out laughing.

"Esco fuck this nigga cuh!" Flash yelled, still being restrained by his sister.

"You pussy. Shutup." Kamiri shook his head.

"That's what's this all about? Some bitch? Y'all beefing bout this girl that KB brought around?" Armani scrunched her face up.

"Um sis, my sister ain't gone be too many bitches." Daja held her hand up.

"Big dot!" Lady, Chocolate, Nay, and Zaza yelled in unison.

"Fuck you hoes. Yo sister doing dicks." She waved them off.

"Fuck who?!"

"Aye Armani-" I cut Kamiri off.

"Who the fuck doing dicks?" I scrunched up my face. "Girl you don't even know me."

"It don't matter you fucking with my cousin and my brother ho pick a side." She mouthed off.

now the whole family gone think im going...

"She keepin it in the family big cousin." Meechie smirked at Kamiri.

Kamiri smirked and nodded, before cocking his hand back, punching Meechie. "Stop playing with me bitch."

"KB you gotta stop knocking these niggas out man!" Squirrel leaned down slapping the boy.

"You next pussy." Kamiri pointed at Flash then looked down at me. "Go to the car."


"Gone na." I frowned and rolled my eyes.

"I'll come with you sis." Za said softly, grabbing my hand.

"Yea us too." Lady and them followed behind us.

"You need to apologize to my girl." I heard Kamiri in the distance.

"Put your hands out so I can practice my punches." I leaned against DaeDae's car once we made it to the front yard.

"Girl move." She laughed and unlocked the door to sit in the passenger seat. "You don't got to worry bout that."

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