go vote on chapter 37 if you haven't already please.
(excuse all mistakes.)
Compton, California 📍
Vadah Avani Parker | Buddha
"So where'd you sleep last night?" I asked Squirrel. We were on FaceTime.
"Real niggas don't sleep!" Chauncey's loud ass yelled.
"JUHEARDDD!" Squirrel dragged.
"Of course." I rolled my eyes. I don't even know why I asked.
"Untun saweetie, is that hate?"
"Boy bye." I laughed putting him on pause real quick.
kamiri. : What's yo shoe size? 6 1/2?
Peanut: yes
"Take me off pause!"
"Squirrel it was literally for a minute." I tapped the top of the screen.
"Oh yeah, I talked to my daddy about mentoring you."
"Foreal?" His eyes lit up. "What he said?"
"He was cool with it." I chuckled at his excitement. "Shit, you can come over here today. He not doing nothing."
"Oh my God." He got up. "Oh my God. What do I bring?"
"Yourself Squirrel." I bust out laughing. "Calm down."
"I'm sorry. I'm so excited."
"I see." I smiled, happy that I was able to make him happy.
"I love you." He blurted.
Instantly, my mouth dropped. "Squirrel." I pouted, lip quivering.
"Girl stop you gone fuck around make me cry too." He fanned his eyes.
"I love you too." I smiled feeling happy as ever.
"Y'all ass gay!" Chauncey hollered.
"Stop cursing Daddy." I heard Milly softly say.
"Oh my bad baby."
"You know I'll be over there right?" Squirrel took over the conversation again.
"Oh trust me I know."
"Buddha!" Zaza yelled from downstairs.
"Yes?! Squirrel let me call you back."
"Alright. I'll text you when I'm on my way best."
"Yea. You'll always be my big sis but you more like my best friend."