if you ain't vote on the last chapter go back right now and do so please.
this my second update in one day, ion wanna hear shit for ah week.
(excuse all mistakes.)
Compton, California 📍
Vadah Avani Parker| Buddha
"There you go Friend!" Aubrielle gassed me as I punched the shit out of this punching bag.
"Alright now switch and use yo left hand. You neglecting it." She coached me making me switch hands.
"Alright good good. Keep yo fist straight." She held on to the bag. "You doing that knocking shit again."
Aub and I had been hanging out a lot as of lately and honestly I felt like it was the best thing I've ever did. She had just been making me feel like a bad bitch.
She was a bad bitch.
All we had been doing lately was having fun. Whether we went out to parties or us just going to eachother's houses and going straight to sleep.
It was fun for us.
I finally felt like I had my own damn friend. A fine ass, unfriendly ass, only for me ass friend.
Aub was really my bitch.
Today we went to her niece's birthday party. She didn't even wanna go but she claimed she wanted some birthday cake so we went and ended up having fun.
After we left, we came to the gym and she was teaching me how to correctly land a punch. We'd been here for 2 hours and...
A bitch was wore out.
"Just punch with a lil more force. When you fighting, you wanna make sure a bitch feel them hits. Who somebody you wanna fight reaaaal bad?"
my sorry excuse of a mother.
Just thinking of those three people made me upset and I threw quick punches at the bag.
"Ight, ight, IGHT! Calm down big pimpin'." She let the bag go and stared at me with wide eyes.
"You getting better foreal. Let's go jump somebody."
"Move you aggy." I pushed her, laughing.
"You wanna go get some frozen yogurt?"
"Yeah." I yawned as we walked out of the building together.
"What you doing tomorrow?"
"I got a orthodontist appointment."
y'all i literally forgot all about this bitch having braces i-
"You're getting your braces off? I wanna commmmeeee." She pouted.
"Okay cool." I shrugged.
"Sorry if I'm being clingy. I literally don't be having nobody to talk to besides Tiggy and Tonio. And he barely even like me."
"Girl you good." I waved her off.
We were riding round in the car blasting music with the window down. You know when you listening to straight gas and you want the whole world to know too?