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i fuck w yall. cus y'all fuckin w me. preciate it, frl. 🖤

(excuse all mistakes.)

Compton, California 📍

Vadah Avani Parker | Buddha

"Okayyy, so how long do I have to wait to suck dick?" Nay asked the tattoo artist who had just did her tongue piercing

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"Okayyy, so how long do I have to wait to suck dick?" Nay asked the tattoo artist who had just did her tongue piercing.

He looked at her in so much shock. "U-uh, give it about 3-5 days."

"Fuckkkkk." She frowned. He kept looking at her with big eyes.

"Shit you better than me." Zaza "I was sucking dick the next day after I got mine."

"Yeah but this shit hurt though."

"That's okay, Ibuprofen gone be yo bestfriend sis. How much she owe you?"

He was staring at them in awe before he quickly answered. "Y'all good."

"Oh thanks." Zaza looked taken aback. Like she wasn't just talking bout sucking somebody meat in front of this man.

"Aye y'all got a microwave up in here?" Nay asked while digging in her small bookbag.


"Good. You a warm my noodles up?" She pulled out a pack of cup noodles.

"You are so ghetto." I shook my head.

"Put my shit on three minutes and thirty seconds please." She yelled after him.

"Dang you should've had another one. My ass hungry too." Zaza sighed.

"I got a Chef Boyardee. You want a beefaroni?" She held up a small container.

"Girl, what the fuck?" She looked at her crazy.

"Gotta stay prepared." She shrugged.

"What else you got in there bitch?" Zaza walked over there and dug in the bag with her.

It was a Sunday. A day after my first fight and we were out, just to get out the house.

My daddy didn't even sell out when he found out I fought. He just asked to see a video. I didn't even know anyone was recording.

Him and Chauncey thought when I cocked my hand back and swung on Amiah was the funniest shit in the world and they kept calling me Tyson.

We were at the Tattoo shop right now, Zaza had gotten another tattoo and Nay got her tongue pierced.

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