Seeing Double

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Seeing double story

There was a young boy of three

Who aimed to be

The quickest tricycle rider

But his trike hit the curb

And his bike did swerve

And he fell over in a heap

He hurt his head badly and bled deep

and sadly ended up in a hospital ward

on a life support chord.

A strange occurrence occurred

As he cried out his words.

He cried out to God to be saved

Or the pavement would have been his grave

God answered his plea

But a strange thing happened to be

as a miracle was set free

For the nurses swore

That when they opened the door

That in that hospital bed

there were two boys sometimes instead

Or sometimes only one

which was strange cause who was the other one?

Daniel James Noble

Saw double for days

But he didn't realise

he'd split into two sometimes

For that was day Ross became real

Although Daniel didn't feel

any different.

People didn't understand Ross was a person too

He grew out like peter pans shadow into a boy who looked exactly like Daniel

and at 5 years old was completely different with his own personality.

Sometimes Daniel would find things in his pockets he'd never picked up

Sweets and toys and shiny cups

things little boys liked but shouldn't take

He was getting a bad reputation he couldn't shake

Other little Boys would come to him too

and talk about stealing and say it was your idea it's what you want us to do

Daniel began to fear that something was amiss.

He just didn't understand this.

One day there was a thunderstorm and as Daniel was hiding under his covers

He heard a voice as clear as his own it made him shudder

Under the covers he was not alone

For Ross had finally escaped as his twin not his clone

He hit Daniel round the face and made him cry

You big twirp he said now "I have no hiding place I have to fly"

His face exactly like Daniels

Now I am going run see later spaniel

Laughing the boy ran through the front door slamming it as he went

Daniel parents noticed and started to vent

Crying Daniel screamed

It was the boy from my dream!

Ross ran out into the street

as the rain turned to sleet

and after a small time

The police picked him up

Warmed him up with a hot drinks cup

But he wouldn't tell them where he lived

So they took him into care

Ross was given up after a few months

To a family with a mum who had a bump

and a father who worked at a factory in the industrial estate

Later fate chose Ross to have a sister called Kate

Meanwhile Daniel was growing up fast

Playing sonic on the mega drive

While Ross was a bit on the naughty side he loved his sister Kate

More than anyone

and there was a change of fate

Ross, Kate and their family

Moved away from their hometown.

Now, Ross grew up to be policeman and Daniel a soldier

Kate a nurse when she was older

However Daniel was casualty of war in Iraq

scarred but with all limbs intact

Just badly burnt with facial scarring

and was cared for at Southampton General

The hospital where Kate worked as a nurse

Soon they both fell in love though it was against the rules

But Ross was protective over his sister and used the police computer as his tool

to investigate Daniel and remembered his clone

and swore to bring an end to the relationship between Daniel and his sister

For fear of secret being exposed

and the threat Daniel posed to his family

So Ross followed Daniel to his flat

Knocked on the door with a harsh beat

But Daniel being a soldier refused to give way and retreat

When Ross threatened him

Daniel then realised the man looked like him and went violently

Into an attack,

Ross fought back

But Daniel grabbed a gun he had kept hidden away

From his soldier days

And Ross seeing what he was about to do

Wrestled with Daniel through a door

Onto the floor breaking things and smashing them as they went

Then the Gun went off

Ross coughed

As blood fell from his lips

and staggered and fell

The police arrested Daniel and put him in a cell

Left in his own personal hell

Daniel went to prison

The jury found him guilty of manslaughter

Ross was dead

But a pregnant Kate mourns Ross

and wonders why it all happened

I guess life can be a series of unfortunate events

But good can always come even in a darkest moments

For Kate's child grew to be one of the wisest of children

But that is another story...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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