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I look at the mutant, she looks up at me. I would recognize that face any where, "Clarice?" I ask. "Who are you? How do you know me?" Clarice asks, "It's me, Eve." I say. My cousin hugs me, I hug her back.

-Time Skip-

I pause the feed on the picture of the locker room, "What is it Eve?" John asks. "That looks like a mutant's powers emerging." I say, "What type of power do they have?" Marcos asks. "My guess is telekinetic abilities." I say.

-Time Skip-

I stop running, "Should we deploy the weapon sir?" A soldier asks. Shit, "Eve?" John asks coming back to me. I look at him, "Wait..." He says, I nod. The others and Marcos stop running, "What is it Eve?" Marcos asks.

"Sentinel Services Robots." John answers for me, my two friends get the family to get moving, I pull earth spikes from the ground to slow down those nightmarish mechanical creatures. I follow them.

I create a portal back to HQ, everyone runs to it.

-Time Skip & John's POV-

Eve freezes the robot, and shatters it, all while keeping the portal open. "Thanks." I say, "No problem handsome." Eve says, I blush slightly.

-Time Skip-

Eve has grown from the sassy girl I met in high school, Eve opens another portal. I recognize those two houses, the SWAT team was there, shit. "John." Sonya says, I look at the redhead. "I think you might be able to calm her down, since you've known her the longest." Sonya says.

Worth a shot, I go over to the woman I've liked for awhile. I grab her face gently, "Eve, come on, stop this. Your putting everything we've worked for in danger, and I know you don't want to do that. Eve, listen to my voice." I say.

The portal closes, "Johnny..." Eve whispers. A small grin works it's way up my face, that's my girl.

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