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I open two portals, the mutant haters drive through the one behind us. Johnny drives the van through the one in front of us, he brakes when we are through the portal, causing me to fall onto the hood.

I jump off the hood, the others get out. I send a playful glare at Johnny, "I'm not a hood ornament Johnny." I say. "Yeah, Yeah, whatever Eve." Johnny says, and heads into the HQ. I did notice the slight smirk on his lips.

-Time Skip- [Four Years Ago]

I grab John's wrist, "John, stop." I say. I look at the human, "And you, please leave, now." I say. The human leaves, John freezes. "What?" I ask, then the smell of gunpowder hits my nose. We look at each other, "Bomb." We both say.

I let go of Johnny's wrist, he gets the others away. The people with the bomb drive by, and drop it. I run over to it, I pick it up. It goes off, I absorb the explosion. I drop the scraps of the bomb, I start to sway.

Johnny puts his hand on my shoulder, steading me. I cough some gunpowder out, Johnny chuckles. "You have some gunpowder on your face." He says, "It's cute." I hear him mutter. I blush slightly.

The humans start to clap, I look at them. The human John was arguing with before comes up to us, "Maybe you mutants aren't as bad as the government makes you out to be." He says. I look at Johnny with a smile, he smirks slightly.

-Time Skip & Present Day-

My eyes widen, I break the straight jacket they put on me. I rush to Sonya's side, I shake her. No, no, I can't lose another person. I look up at Dr. Cambell, I feel my power surge through the roofs. The ground starts to shake, I don't hear whatever he said.

I rip the collar off, the doctor tells his guards to shoot me. I stop the bullets, and turn them back on the guards. I don't care that I'm reverting back to my old ways, he killed my friend. I start to choke the doctor with his tie.

I feel a small prick in my neck, then everything goes black.

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