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John POV

"Marcos." An all to familiar voice says, I haven't heard that voice in over six months. A figure steps out of the shadow slightly so we can see their face, Eve. She's grown even more beautiful since she's joined the Inner Circle, but she's still the same person I fell in love with.

"This is from Lorna, she and the baby are okay..." Eve says, Eve looks over at me, I look back at her. Eve shyly looks away from me, weird, I know that we feel the same way about each other. "Eve, why not come back to the Underground?" I say.

"No." She says, "Please?" I ask. "No John, I have things I have to do." Eve says, "Please, at least don't kill again, for me?" I say, babe. "I'm not planning on killing anyone John, I'm sorry." Eve says, and walks back into the shadows.

Babe, please don't leave me again. Eve opens a portal, she looks quickly back at me, I notice a tear slide down her cheek. "Goodbye Johnny...." Eve whispers, knowing only I would hear it. Eve...

-Time Skip-

"Caitlyn, tell me I'm not the only one who noticed Eve acting weird." Clarice tells Caitlyn, "Clarice, your not the only one. I found it odd that Eve kept most of her body in the shadows, and the way she looked away when John looked at her." Caitlyn says.

"You know when she looked away when John looked at her, it looks like she was almost guilty of something, something her and John only knew about. Her portal was also looking rather weird." Clarice says, my eyes widen slightly, it can't be.

I head to my room, I sit down on my bed. I rest my face in my hands, "Oh god, I screwed up." I mutter to myself. The only instance of a female mutant's powers acting weird is during when their pregnant, please don't tell me I got Eve pregnant.

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